
News in English

Millions flee Syria’s war / Egypt closes al-Jazeera affiliate / China fires top official / Japan tries to contain Fukushima leaks / South Africa gold miners to strike / Microsoft buys Nokia / The Weather

Millions flee Syria’s war

The United Nations refugee agency says over 2 million people have now fled the fighting in Syria for neighbouring countries. Up to 5 million more are believed to be internally displaced. Negotiations are continuing in the United States over how to respond to alleged chemical weapons use by the Syrian government, ahead of a Congressional vote. There are signs Washington may be planning wider military action than initially suggested. Former vice chief of staff of the US army, general Jack Kean, says president Obama wants a significant strike on the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad if he gets approval for an attack: “He’s going to deter and degrade, and the important word is degrade, significant military capability of Assad’s regime.” Qatar, which backs rebel fighters in Syria, has joined France in giving its support for the proposed US attack on Assad’s forces. Meanwhile Israel says it has carried out a joint missile test with the US in the Mediterranean this morning after Russia said it detected the launch of two ballistic objects in the region.

Egypt closes al-Jazeera affiliate

A court in Egypt has ordered the closure of four television channels, one an affiliate of the al-Jazeera network. Authorities have shut down a number of media in recent weeks seen as sympathetic to deposed President Mohammed Morsi, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

China fires top official

In China, the head of the commission that oversees state-owned companies has been fired in the course of an anti-corruption investigation. Jiang Jiemin is the latest in a series of high profile officials to face disciplinary action after President Xi Jinping made fighting corruption a priority of his new administration.

Japan tries to contain Fukushima leaks

The Japanese government says it has allocated nearly half a million dollars to stop leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. The government plan involves building a subterranean wall of frozen earth. A plant to decontaminate water is also planned.

South Africa gold miners to strike

The South African government says it is ready to intervene to stop a planned strike by 80,000 workers in the gold mining industry seeking better pay. The government says the strike will seriously harm the economy.

Microsoft buys Nokia

The US software giant Microsoft says it has reached a deal to buy the Finnish mobile phone producer Nokia, for 5.4 billion euros. The takeover is expected to be finalised next year.

The Weather

Mainly sunny in the west and south. Cloudy with scattered showers over the rest of the country and a few sunny spells. Top temperatures 18 to 30 degrees.
