
News in English

Police arrest Moscow school gunman / Ukraine´s president returns to work / Thai elections blockaded by protesters / UN talks on Syria in Rome / Australia inquiry into child asylum seekers / Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead / The weather


Police arrest Moscow school gunman

Russian police say they have disarmed and detained a student who entered a Moscow secondary school and took over 20 fellow pupils hostage at gunpoint. The gunman reportedly killed a police officer and teacher. Another policeman was shot and injured. The hostages were released unharmed. The motive is not clear.

Ukraine´s president returns to work

The Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich, has returned to his official duties, four days after being admitted to a clinic with what officials said was an acute respiratory infection. Thousands of protesters demanding his resignation remain on the streets across the country. The European Union´s High Representative for Foreign Policy, Catherine Ashton, who is expected back in Kiev on Tuesday, says the EU and the United States are working on a plan for significant short-term financial assistance for Ukraine.

Thai elections blockaded by protesters

Sunday´s elections in Thailand passed off relatively peacefully, despite clashes between supporters and opponents of embattled Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Anti-government protesters also blockaded polling stations. According to the Election Commission, voting was disrupted in 18 per cent of constituencies nationwide. The incumbent prime minister thanked Thais who had taken part in the vote: "I think this election is very important, that people come to vote with their right for democracy."

UN talks on Syria in Rome

After last week´s peace talks on Syria ended in deadlock, the United Nations is holding a meeting in Rome today to see if there are ways to put pressure on the Syrian government and opposition to achieve concrete results when they return to negotiations later this month. The Italian foreign minister Emma Bonino says an end has to be found to what she called "the most serious humanitarian crisis of our time."

Australia inquiry into child asylum seekers

Australia's Human Rights Commission has opened an inquiry in to the detention of more than 1,000 children under punitive government policies that have seen asylum-seekers arriving by boat taken to Pacific camps. The inquiry will examine whether Australia is in breach of international child protection obligations.

Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead

Tributes are being paid to the award-winning American actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who was found dead in his New York City apartment on Sunday. Police sources say he died of an apparent drug overdose. Hoffman, who was 46, won the Academy Award for best actor for the 2005 biographical film Capote, and received three Academy Award nominations as best supporting actor.

The weather

A warning of black ice in the east and south, with rain and snow easing in Tyrol and Carinthia. Top temperatures from minus 4ria to plus 12.
