
News in English

Nine Palestinian militants killed / Ukraine to blockade rebels / Former Soviet FM Shevardnadze dies / Germany alarmed over US spying allegations / New security checks on US flights / Australia asylum strategy criticised /Britain to launch child abuse inquiry / Nigerian abductees escape / The weather


Nine Palestinian militants killed

Nine Palestinian militants have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. The strikes followed renewed rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel. The Palestinian militant group Hamas has vowed revenge for the killings. Tensions remain high in the region after the killing of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank and the Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair in east Jerusalem. Israel arrested six Jewish suspects yesterday over the murder of Abu Khdair.

Ukraine to blockade rebels

Ukrainian officials say the army is to blockade the regional capitals of Luhansk and Donetsk in the east of the country to try to force the surrender of pro-Russian separatists. Government forces have regained control of the key rebel strongholds of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk in recent days.

Former Soviet FM Shevardnadze dies

The former Soviet foreign minister and later president of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, has died. He was 86. Shevardnadze played a significant role in ending the Cold War.

Germany alarmed over US spying allegations

German chancellor Angela Merkel has said allegations that a German intelligence employee spied for the United States - if proven true - are a serious matter and a clear contradiction of trust between allies. The 31 year old suspect has reportedly admitted passing documents to a US contact, including from a parliamentary committee investigating allegations of US spying in Germany.

New security checks on US flights

Travellers to the United States are to face new checks on electronic devices to prove that they don’t contain explosives. The measures are in response to a possible new terror threat involving undetectable bombs. Jay Johnson is the secretary of Homeland Security: “This is not something to overreact to or over-speculate about but it’s something we thought is necessary.”

Australia asylum strategy criticised

Australia has confirmed that it handed over 41 asylum seekers to Sri Lankan authorities in a transfer at sea after immediately assessing and rejecting their refugee claims. Sri Lankan police say those found guilty of leaving the country illegally face rigorous imprisonment. Critics say Australia is violating international law in intercepting the refugee boats at sea.

Britain to launch child abuse inquiry

Britain is to launch an inquiry into how officials handled allegations of child abuse against politicians in the 1980s and 90s. Over 100 official files related to alleged organised paedophilia have been lost or destroyed.

Nigerian abductees escape

Nigerian officials say 63 girls and women abducted by Boko Haram two weeks ago have escaped. They said the women fled while their captors were engaged in a battle with soldiers.

The weather

Mainly sunny. Scattered showers and thunderstorms later in the day especially in the west. Top temperatures 23 to 34 degrees.
