
News in English

Nobel Prize for discovery of brain´s "GPS" / Run-off in Brazil´s presidential election / Centre-right leads in Bulgaria vote / HK protest numbers dwindle / Fate of Kobane in the balance / Bodies recovered from mass grave in Mexico / The weather


Nobel Prize for discovery of brain´s "GPS"

The US-British scientist John O'Keefe and Norwegian couple May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser have won the 20-14 Nobel Prize for medicine - the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year. The three neuroscientists were honoured for the discovery of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain, which makes it possible to orientate ourselves and help understand diseases like Alzheimer's.

Run-off in Brazil´s presidential election

Brazil´s leftist president Dilma Rousseff has won the most votes in Sunday´s election, but has fallen short of outright victory. She received almost 42% of the vote and faces a run-off against her pro-business, centre-right rival Aecio Neves, who got 34%. Rousseff warned that Brazil could not go backwards: "The simple message is the message that I should continue to lead, that I should continue this fight to change Brazil."

Centre-right leads in Bulgaria vote

Bulgaria's centre-right GERB party took the most votes in a snap parliamentary election on Sunday, but fell well short of an overall majority. The party led by former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is expected to win about 90 seats in the 240-seat chamber. A record eight parties are expected to enter parliament, which could mean another shaky coalition struggling to solve a bank crisis and revive the economy.

HK protest numbers dwindle

Civil servants are returning to work at government headquarters in central Hong Kong after a week of protests. Hundreds of pro-democracy campaigners remain camped out on the streets, after a deadline for them to leave passed without incident. But their numbers dwindled overnight. The protesters are angry at China's plans to vet candidates when Hong Kong holds elections in 2017.

Fate of Kobane in the balance

Kurdish fighters are vowing to continue their increasingly desperate efforts to defend the Syrian border town of Kobane from Islamic State militants, who are advancing on three fronts and pounding them with heavy artillery. The Syrian Kurds are calling for more US-led airstrikes and for ground troops to be sent in.

Bodies recovered from mass grave in Mexico

Investigators in Mexico are working to identify 28 bodies retrieved from a mass grave in the south of the country. It´s located in an area where 43 students went missing after clashing with police during a protest over teachers' rights last month. Six people died when police opened fire on their busses. 22 officers have been detained in connection with the incident.

The weather

Plenty of sunshine but cloud or fog in many low-lying areas. Highs today from 11 to 22.
