
News in English

Iraq launches offensive in Anbar / Russia begins major military drill / Iran says deal on missiles agreed / Iran tries US journalist / Human smuggling alleged at Vienna airport / Teenager in St Pölten sentenced for terror / Storms batter Mexico and Texas / The weather


Iraq launches offensive in Anbar

Iraq has announced the launch of a major military operation to drive the Islamic State militant group out of the mainly Sunni western Anbar province. The militants have held parts of Anbar since early last year and took full control of the provincial capital Ramadi, earlier this month. The operation is reportedly being led mainly by Shiite paramilitary forces, raising concerns the offensive could heighten sectarian tensions.

Russia begins major military drill

Russia’s defence ministry says its forces have begun a major exercise in a central military district involving 250 aircraft and 12,000 personnel. The four-day drill begins as Nato and some of its allies start a training exercise in the Arctic.

Iran says deal on missiles agreed

Iran says talks with Russia on the delivery of S-300 surface-to-air missiles have been successfully completed and delivery of the system is expected soon. Russia has yet to confirm the deal. Moscow lifted a self-imposed ban on the controversial sale after six world powers and Iran agreed on a framework deal to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, earlier this year.

Iran tries US journalist

In Iran the trial has begun of a Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian on espionage charges. Rezaian who holds both US and Iranian citizenship has been held in prison since he was arrested last July in Tehran. The trial is closed to the public. Rezaian’s brother Ali says the charges are baseless: “They say he was following the internal politics and the foreign politics of the government. So essentially he was watching the news and reporting on the news and they’re calling that espionage.”

Human smuggling alleged at Vienna airport

Austrian state prosecutors have confirmed that a case of suspected human smuggling at Vienna’s Schwechat airport has been under investigation for the last three months. Kurier newspaper has reported that six employees of a private security firm, G4S, have been arrested on suspicion of helping people evade passport control and board flights to the United States and Great Britain.

Teenager in St Pölten sentenced for terror

A court in St Pölten has sentenced a 14 year old boy to two years in prison after he was found guilty of belonging to a terrorist organisation and planning to carry out terrorist attacks. He is one of two teenagers to face court today in Austria on terrorism charges.

Storms batter Mexico and Texas

Storms in the southern United States and northern Mexico have killed at least 19 people, and left at least twelve missing. Many of the dead were in the northern Mexican city of Acuna which was struck by a tornado.

The weather

Mainly cloudy with rain showers. Sunny spells in the south. Top temperatures 9 to 21 degrees.
