
News in English

Croatia closes 7 border crossings / Taliban attacks Pakistan military base / 180 die in tanker blast in S Sudan / Greece's election campaign wraps up / FIFA’s secretary general suspended / The weather


Croatia closes 7 border crossings

Croatia has closed seven of its eight road border crossings with Serbia following a huge influx of refugees and migrants. Officials said they had no choice after more than 13,000 people entered the country over the last few days following a decision by Hungary to fence off its border with Serbia. Croatia's Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic says the country cannot cope with the burden. In another development, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban says a razor-wire fence is now being built along the stretch of its border with Croatia. The Europe Director of the UNHCR Vincent Cochetel says closing borders is not the answer: "people are desperate. They want to find safety. And there's no quick fix. There has to be a group of states that take the lead. And we believe that urgent support is needed in Greece. Yesterday alone 6,900 people arrived in Greece."

Taliban attacks Pakistan military base

The Taliban has launched an assault on a military base near Pakistan's north western city of Peshawar. Gunmen stormed a mosque inside the compound killing 16 worshippers during morning prayers. An exchange of fire followed between the militants and troops at the base during which an officer and two guards were also killed. The Pakistani forces said they killed 13 of the attackers.

180 die in tanker blast in S Sudan

Officials in South Sudan say the death toll from the explosion of a fuel tanker has now risen to over 180. The blast happened as crowds gathered round the vehicle to gather fuel after it veered off the road.

Greece's election campaign wraps up

Greece's election campaign is wrapping up today with opinion polls suggesting no clear winner. The left-wing Syriza party ,led by former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, is facing a challenge from the right-wing New Democracy party. The new administration will need to oversee the economic reforms required for the country's 86 billion Euro bailout. Athens-based journalist Helena Smith says it's a crucial election: "these elections are decisive because they could prove to be a turning point, a fork in the road for Greece, though the general mood is one of weariness and fatigue."

FIFA’s secretary general suspended

The world governing football body FIFA has suspended its secretary general Jerome Valcke over alleged misconduct. Reports in the media have alleged that Valcke, who's held the post for 8 years, was involved in a scheme to sell World Cup tickets for an inflated price. He's denied the accusations.

The weather

Mainly cloudy with a few showers. The east will have most of the sunshine. Highs are ranging from 12 in the West to 28 in the East.
