
News in English

US attacks IS in Libya / Father Hamel buried in France / Austrian chancellor: EU stronger than Turkey / Trump calls Clinton “devil” / Britain to get EU security portfolio / Venezuela in crisis / China convicts human rights lawyer / China on typhoon alert / The Weather

US attacks IS in Libya

The United States has launched multiple airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Libya, at the request of the United Nations-backed Libyan government. Libyan officials said US warplanes attacked the IS bastion of Sirte.

Father Hamel buried in France

A public funeral service will be held this afternoon in Rouen in France for the elderly priest who was murdered a week ago by two militants who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group. Father Jacques Hamel was 85. He will be interred in a private burial.

Austrian chancellor: EU stronger than Turkey

Austrian chancellor Christian Kern says the European Union must not allow itself to be intimidated by Turkey, as tensions escalate over the introduction of visa liberalisation for Turkish nationals, in exchange for the deal with Ankara on limiting the flow of refugees and migrants to Europe. Kern says the EU is in the stronger position and Turkey could face economic collapse without it.

Trump calls Clinton “devil”

In the United States, the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has described his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as "the devil". Speaking at a rally, he criticised senator Bernie Sanders for, what he called, capitulating to Clinton after the Democratic primaries. “He made a deal with the devil, she’s the devil. It’s true.” The latest outburst comes after both Democrats and Republicans condemned Trump for his attacks on the parents of a US Muslim soldier killed in action in Iraq.

Britain to get EU security portfolio

EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has proposed Britain's new commissioner Julian King be appointed to the security portfolio, responsible for combating terrorism, organized crime and radicalization. The European Parliament must approve the appointment.

Venezuela in crisis

Electoral authorities in Venezuela have approved the first step in an opposition campaign to remove President Nicolas Maduro from office through a recall election. Venezuela is facing a political and economic crisis with triple-digit inflation and widespread shortages of goods.

China convicts human rights lawyer

China has convicted the first in a high profile group of human rights lawyers and activists rounded up over a year ago on allegations they were subverting the state. Zhai Yanmin was found guilty of organising paid protests and was given a three year suspended prison sentence.

China on typhoon alert

Disaster officials in China have issued storm alerts in southern coastal regions as typhoon Nida approaches. Much of Hong Kong has been shut down and hundreds of flights disrupted by the most powerful typhoon to hit the region in thirty years.

China intensifies maritime claims

China’s supreme court has ruled that anyone caught fishing in areas of the South China Sea it has designated its own could be jailed for up to a year. China has refused to accept the ruling of an arbitration court in The Hague last month that it has no historic title over the waters.

The Weather

Partly sunny. Cloud moving from in the west with scattered showers. Top temperatures 20 to 28 degrees.
