
News in English

Rebels Attack Government Forces in Aleppo / Militants Kidnap Thousands in Iraq / EU Faces Midnight Deadline on CETA / Ulster Court Rejects Brexit Appeal / New Deal to Protect Antarctica / US Police Arrest Activists / Anti-Government Group Acquitted in Oregon / The weather


Rebels Attack Government Forces in Aleppo

Opposition forces in Syria are launching a massive offensive to break the government siege of eastern Aleppo. 150 rockets fired by the opposition have hit a Syrian air base in western Aleppo.Helicopters from the base are thought to have been used to carry out barrel bomb attacks on rebel-held parts of the city.

Militants Kidnap Thousands in Iraq

Staying in the Middle East, the United Nations say it has credible reports that Islamic State fighters have kidnapped thousands of Iraqis from areas around its stronghold of Mosul. It is thought I-S plans to use them as human shields as Iraqi government troops and Kurdish Peshmerga forces advance on the city. The UN Office for Human rights also says the militants have killed 190 Iraqi former military officers and 42 civilians for refusing to join the militants’ defense of Mosul.

EU Faces Midnight Deadline on CETA

Belgium’s regional parliaments are expected to endorse an amendment to the CETA trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, cancelled a signing ceremony in Brussels yesterday after the French-speaking region of Wallonia vetoed the deal amid concerns it could threaten the living standards of farmer while boosting the growth of multinational companies. The new text includes a safeguard clause to protect agriculture in the event of a “market imbalance”. EU member states have until midnight tonight to approve the deal. Analysts says a failure to push an agreement through after years of negotiations would further damage the unity of the EU. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said a change in procedures could prevent a similar crisis in the future.

Ulster Court Rejects Brexit Appeal

Northern Ireland’s High Court has rejected a challenge to the Brexit by a group which wants the province to remain in the European Union. 56 percent of Northern Irish voted to stay in the EU in June’s Brexit referendum. A majority of people in Scotland also voted to stay, while the exit campaign was approved by majorities in England and Wales.

New Deal to Protect Antarctica

Environmentalists are welcoming a deal to set up the world’s largest marine protected area in the Antarctic. More than one million square kilometers will be closed to commercial fishing for 35 years. The area is home to colonies of penguins, petrels and whales. Jillian Dempster is head of Antarctic policy for the New Zealand ministry of foreign affairs: “It’s also an excellent place for scientists to study eco-system functions; so it’s just a tremendous natural laboratory and a tremendous repository of marine bio-diversity.”

US Police Arrest Activists

In the United States, police in North Dakota have arrested over 100 environmental activists and Native American protesters who had occupied the site of a controversial new oil pipeline. The demonstrators say the pipeline will desecrate sacred land and harm water resources.

Anti-Government Group Acquitted in Oregon

Staying in the US, a court has acquitted seven people of firearms and conspiracy charges who, earlier this year, took part in an armed standoff with police at a wildlife refuge in the state of Oregon. The group occupied the sanctuary in protest against what they claim was illegal government control of the land. Ron Haas is a reporter for Oregon Public Radio: “The initial reaction, I think, from everybody, including the defense attorney, was one of shock. I don’t think anybody was expecting for all of the defendants to be acquitted on almost all of the charges.”

The weather

The weather will remain mostly sunny and mild, but windy in the east. Highs today are ranging from 8 to 19 degrees.
