when stones become seeds and forms prosper

Von: Ava Binta Giallo | 3. Juni 2024, 16:25

when stones become seeds and forms prosper

The components arranged are recipes of plant life: soil, vessel and water. When mixed, they may form plant life
– a collective conceiver, a collective vessel. This mutuality suggests a futurity, through mixture. The entanglement is as speculative in its potential for transformation as it is embedded in ancient, ancestral memory. This recipe
of bringing together thus becomes a living archive of interspecies connectedness. Plant becomes process, concei- ved through the fibres of between, between the consistencies that conceive of plant through mixture. Interspe- cies enmeshment, the body’s entanglement with forces that nurture, is an entanglement buried in memory – a relationality that can be studied, felt and shared. when stones become seeds and forms prosper proposes bringing form to the consistencies and languages of between – of ontologies of thinking beyond the reductions of Western epistemologies of differentiation.
Text: Carmen Lael Hines, 2023


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