Lonely highway (The moon)

Von: Gerhard Cvirn | 27. Mai 2019, 14:47

Lonely highway (The moon)

A breeze is blowing through the night
Telling stories from good old days
A breeze is blowing through the night
Reminding me of sunny ways

Ref.: Since you are gone I’m tavelling a lonely highway
Since you are gone everything went wrong

The moon, the moon, shines bright tonight
The moon, the moon, nobody’s here at my side

The blue moon shines on my roof tonight
A hippocrites try to break my back
Ghosts are trembling through my dreams
Everybody left the upper deck

Ref.: Since you are gone I’m tavelling a lonely highway
Since you are gone everything went wrong

The moon, the moon, shines bright tonight
The moon, the moon, nobody’s here at my side

Mein Name ist Gerhard Cvirn, bin 55 Jahre alt und mache seit meinem 17. Lebensjahr Musik. Ich bin Chemiker an der Medizinischen Universität Graz. Ich bin sehr froh, dass es Ö1 gibt!!!
Email: gerhard.cvirn@medunigraz.at

Rap The Moon!