Fixing the Future
Fixing the Future
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Climate Innovation

BioFluff — plant based fur

28. April 2022, 15:43

BioFluff is developing the first 100% plant-based fur to help fashion brands replace animal fur and plastic fur. As a B2B business we are combining green plant-fiber technology with century-old tanning legacy to create a new and sustainable material.
Currently there is no sustainable fur on the market and the fashion industry has a lot of momentum to position itself in a sustainable and innovative way. Our team is composed of a female founder from India working currently in the USA on BioFluff and a male Austrian founder currently working from Italy. After creating our first prototype in early 2021, we both quit our jobs and bootstrapped. Many fashion luxury brands (Balenciaga, Prada, Chanel, Versace, Gucci, Armani) dropped fur over the past 5 years and are now dependent on plastic fur. We are planning on taking advantage of this positive momentum to implement our environmentally friendly product.


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Fixing the Future