There was a Never, there was a Yes + Yes/Emotion

Von: Julia Tröscher | 6. Mai 2024, 17:07

This is an installation of a film and a sculptural piece that are separate but belong together. Both developed out of a poem I wrote. Shifting between lines of individual genealogy and cosmic creation, this work reflects on the private and broader relations we foster with our surroundings. Where are we choosing to sow and grow solidarity? Separate, not separate narratives are coming together to consider history, humanity and ecology; fish, phones, spaceships and the sea.

In the film the figure of a fish human stands as a metaphor for the genealogy of the universe but also that of myself. We follow the journey of a ceramic fish as it travels from one hand to the next, from place to place, from one time to another. We encounter grandmothers, mothers and daughters, experiencing a poem about the past, present, and future of human and more-than-human inhabitants of the planet.



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Ö1 Talentestipendium Sonderpreis „Solidarität“