Fixing the Future
Fixing the Future
German version

Culture, Economics

Artificial Museum

6. August 2021, 11:12

Our mission is to create, procure, research, distribute, and preserve digitized art of a wide variety of artistic fields.

At its core, the Artificial Museum challenges the status quo and creates new perspectives of the term museum, rethinking the questions
’what is art?’ and ‘who perceives it’.

There are more artworks by dead men stored in museums than can be exhibited. What remains is the virtual, imaginary area, in which there is also an almost infinite amount of space.
Instead of continuing to practice the status quo of art in “temporary used” spaces, we decided to just use the space between the worlds on a permanent and self-determined basis, as an experimental playground for reawakening imagination in public space.

We resolve this through a decentralized platform using AR technology in public space, making gps-anchored artifacts accessible to everyone, both at home and abroad.
Our 'building' is based on public participation that can inscribe itself anywhere and without boundaries, thus enabling an expanded form of art community, making art virtually tangible and accessible and conveys the permanent transformation of art and society.


Social media site

Area Map "Culture"

Audio: Artificial Museum

Culture, Economics

Fixing the Future