Heal the ruins

Von: Margaryta Plakhtiienko | 21. Juli 2024, 00:15

Mix media

The ceramic plates depict important for Ukrainian culture historical buildings and institutions which were destroyed during the Russian attack.
As of 2023, more than 800 cultural heritage sites have been destroyed or damaged. The end of the war is possible only through unification and solidarity.
The following institutions are depicted on the plates: Chernihiv Library for Youth, Drama Theatre in Mariupol, Museum of Hryhorii Skovoroda, Mariupol Art Museum named after Arkhip Kuindzhi, gymnasium in Lysychansk.
The cracks and medical plaster refer to physical trauma and at the same time symbolize hope for healing. The cracks will heal and turn into scars, which will become not a sign of trauma, but a sign of strength.

Ö1 Talentestipendium Sonderpreis „Solidarität“