
News in English

Rescue efforts wind down in Oklahoma / Ahmadinejad to contest ban on ally / Stockholm gripped by rioting / Notre-Dame suicide “political” / The weather


Rescue efforts wind down in Oklahoma

Officials in the United States say rescue efforts have continued through the night, after a massive tornado devastated parts of Oklahoma City. 24 people were killed, including nine children, and some 240 others were injured by the storm. Winds of at least 320 kilometres an hour destroyed hundreds of homes, as well as schools and a hospital. Emergency worker Matt Skinner says the emphasis is now being shifted to recovery: "The initial response, with the first responders, is winding down now and will be completely finished tonight, and now the emphasis is on recovery, rebuilding and recovery."

Ahmadinejad to contest ban on ally

State media is reporting that Iran's electoral watchdog has barred former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and a close aide to president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from running in next month´s presidential election. Rafsanjani and Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei were disqualified by the Guardian Council, giving candidates which support the establishment a clear path to succeed Ahmadinejad, who has lost favour with the ruling clerics after years of power struggles. He says he will challenge the ban on his former chief of staff.

Tax to dominate EU summit

European Union leaders are meeting in Brussels today for a summit to tackle tax evasion, which costs EU states €1. 3 trillion euros a year. The aim is to reduce loopholes and crack down on tax havens. Austria and Luxembourg, which are both famous for banking secrecy, have also come under growing pressure to improve tax transparency. The Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann is expected to agree to exchange information on foreign depositors at today´s summit.

Stockholm gripped by rioting

Hundreds of youths have reportedly set fire to cars and buildings in poor immigrant suburbs in three nights of rioting in Stockholm. Police and firefighters were also attacked during Sweden's worst disorder in years. The riots appear to have been sparked by the police killing of a 69-year-old man armed with a machete, which prompted accusations of police brutality.

Notre-Dame suicide “political”

In France, the leader of the far-right National Front, Marine Le Pen, has paid tribute to the man who killed himself in the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, saying it was a political act aimed at "waking up the people of France". The man was named as Dominique Venner, an award-winning far-right historian. In his blog written shortly before his death on Tuesday, he criticised a new law legalising gay marriage. Meanwhile, Britain's House of Commons has passed a bill to legalise same-sex marriage in England and Wales. It will now move to the House of Lords and should soon become law.

The weather

Mostly overcast with showers or thunderstorms but also some sunshine, especially in the south. Top temperatures generally from 9 to 17, but up to 21 in the sun.
