
News in English

EU puts Hezbollah on terrorism list / Earthquake hits China / U.S. supports Greek reforms/ Norway remembers massacre victims / 19 die in Colombia violence / Pope heads to Brazil Britain awaits royal baby / The Weather

EU puts Hezbollah on terrorism list

EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels have agreed to blacklist the military wing of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah movement. The group has been linked to a bomb attack last year in Bulgaria in which six people were killed. Hezbollah has also sent fighters to assist the forces of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s civil war, and a court in Cyprus recently convicted a Hezbollah member of planning attacks on Israeli targets on the island.

Earthquake hits China

An earthquake has hit Gansu province in western China. 75 people have been killed and over 400 others have been injured. Some 5,000 buildings have also been damaged or destroyed.

U.S. supports Greek reforms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has stopped in Athens following a G-20 finance ministers meeting in Russia. Lew urged Greece to stick with tough economic reforms required by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund: “We know that Greece has passed through a very difficult period of adjustment and reform. We recognize the difficult decisions and shared sacrifices of the last few years as well as the challenges that remain.” Lew’s visit comes ahead of a trip to Washington next month by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

Norway remembers massacre victims

Ceremonies are being held today in Norway to remember the 77 victims killed two years ago today by right-wing extremist Anders Behring Brevik. Brevik is serving a 21-year prison sentence for his crimes.

19 die in Colombia violence

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos is promising retaliation after 19 soldiers were killed in clashes with FARC rebels. It is the worst such violence since the government and the FARC reopened peace talks last November.

Pope heads to Brazil

Pope Francis has left Italy for Brazil where he will attend World Youth Day, which up to one million young Catholics are expected to attend. It is the pope’s first trip abroad since his election in March.

Britain awaits royal baby

In Britain, the Duchess of Cambridge has reportedly gone into labour at St. Mary’s hospital in London. The former Kate Middleton arrived at the hospital with Prince William early this morning. Their son or daughter will be third in line to the throne. British Prime Minister David Cameron: “Obviously, best wishes to them…a very exciting occasion and the whole country is excited with them, so we’re all hoping for the best.” This afternoon will remain very warm and sunny with scattered thunderstorms in the southwest.

The Weather

Today’s high temperatures are ranging from 25 to 33 degrees.
