
News in English

Spain declares mourning for crash victims / China’s Bo Xi Lai charged / NSA surveillance survives vote / US pressures Russia over Snowden / Pope criticises drug liberalisation / Us delays arms delivery to Egypt / The Weather

Spain declares mourning for crash victims

At least 78 people have died in a train crash in the northern Spanish region of Galicia. The derailment occurred yesterday evening as the train approached the city of Santiago de Compostela. More than 130 people were injured in the accident, the worst in Spain for 40 years. The train is thought to have been travelling at more than twice the speed limit around a curve. An investigation into the cause of the crash is underway. Spain’s prime minister Mariano Rajoy, who has visited the crash site, has declared three days of official mourning.

China’s Bo Xi Lai charged

Chinese state media say the disgraced politician Bo Xi Lai has been indicted for bribery, corruption and abuse of power. He is expected to go on trial within weeks in the eastern city of Jinan. Bo Xi Lai was once seen as a possible candidate for a top leadership position in China.

NSA surveillance survives vote

In the United States an amendment to stop the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records from millions of Americans has been defeated by only a narrow margin of 12 votes in the House of Representatives. Civil libertarians have said they will continue legal challenges to the mass surveillance programmes.

US pressures Russia over Snowden

US officials are pressing Russia to clarify the status of the fugitive former CIA analyst Edward Snowden who revealed the surveillance programmes. The United States secretary of state John Kerry spoke to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov after reports yesterday that Snowden may be granted documents that would allow him to leave the transit area of a Moscow airport and officially enter Russia. State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki: “He reiterated our belief, the belief of the United States, Mr Snowden needs to be returned to the United States where he will have a fair trial.”

Pope criticises drug liberalisation

Pope Francis has sharply criticised moves to legalise drug use during a visit to an addicts rehabilitation centre in Brazil. There has been discussion in some Latin American countries of liberalising sales after decades of conflict in an unsuccessful war on drugs in the region.

Us delays arms delivery to Egypt

The US says it is delaying the delivery of four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt amid unrest following the military overthrow of Mohammed Morsi as president. The Pentagon said President Barack Obama made the decision to delay delivery while the administration continues to review the situation in Egypt.

The Weather

Mainly sunny in the west. Party sunny in the east with scattered rain and thundershowers. Top temps 25 to 33 degrees.
