
News in English

Democrats win New York City poll / 1 killed in series of blasts in China / General strike in Greece / Netherlands in court bid over Greenpeace case / Kerry in new Middle East peace effort / Lieberman cleared of corruption charges / The weather


Democrats win New York City poll

In the US, the Democrats have won elections in New York City and the state of Virginia. In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe has been elected governor. In New York, Bill de Blasio will succeed Mayor Michael Bloomberg - becoming the first Democrat to lead the city in two decades. De Blasio based his campaign on addressing economic inequality: "the challenges we face have been decades in the making and the problems we set out to address will not be solved overnight. But make no mistake - the people of this city have chosen a progressive path." In a third election, the Republican Chris Christie easily won re-election as the Governor of New Jersey.

1 killed in series of blasts in China

In China a series of small blasts has killed at least one person and injured 8 outside a provincial office of the ruling Communist Party in the northern province of Shanxi. According to state media, the explosions were caused by home-made bombs. There's been no immediate explanation for the attack.

General strike in Greece

Another general strike is underway in Greece. The industrial action - a protest at further austerity cuts - has affected public transport, schools and hospitals. The development coincides with fresh talks between international lenders and the Greek government. Helena Smith is an Athens-based journalist with the Guardian newspaper: "the average Greek has lost up to 40% of his or her disposable income. And what the Greek government is saying is ordinary Greeks can take no more in terms of austerity."

Netherlands in court bid over Greenpeace case

The Netherlands has asked an international court in Hamburg to order Russia to release 30 people - including two Dutch nationals - who were detained during a Greenpeace protest against oil drilling in the Arctic. They were charged with hooliganism after activists tried to scale a Russian offshore rig in September. Russia has not sent any representatives to today's hearing at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

Kerry in new Middle East peace effort

The US Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting Israeli and Palestinian leaders today in an effort to revive faltering peace talks. Observers say there's been no real sign of progress since fresh negotiations were launched earlier this year.

Lieberman cleared of corruption charges

Israel's former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has been cleared of corruption charges by a court in Jerusalem, paving the way for his return to government. Lieberman is a key ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The weather

It'll be cloudy, windy and rainy with most of the rain in the northern Alps. There’ll be a bit of sunshine now and then in the East and Southeast. Highs will be ranging between 4 and 15 degrees.
