
News in English

Ukraine parliament rejects confidence motion / Powerful politician in North Korea "dismissed" / Syria rejects UN findings on war crimes / Guilty verdicts in Bolshoi acid attack / PISA study results released / The weather


Ukraine parliament rejects confidence motion

The Ukrainian parliament has rejected a motion to hold a vote of confidence in the government following protests calling for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovich. Today's parliamentary session has also seen Prime Minister Mykola Azarov apologising for the use of police force against demonstrators. The unrest began when Yanukovich refused to sign a deal on closer ties with the European Union. Steven Pifer is a former US Ambassador to Ukraine - he says there is a strong desire among Ukrainians to move closer to the EU : "there is some division, but certainly if you look at the polls over the last several months, they increasingly point to at least 50% of Ukrainians wanting to see their country draw closer to Europe. I think if Ukraine had its choice what they would like to do is be able to draw closer to the European Union, but still have a positive constructive relationship with Russia."

Powerful politician in North Korea "dismissed"

News reports from South Korea say one of the most powerful politicians in North Korea - and the uncle of leader Kim Jong-un - has been removed from office. Chang Song-thaek has been dismissed as vice-chairman of the country's top military body. If confirmed, the development is being seen as the most significant upheaval in the country's leadership since Kim came to power in 2011.

Syria rejects UN findings on war crimes

The Syrian government has dismissed comments made by the UN's top human rights official Navi Pillay, who's said that an inquiry has produced evidence that war crimes in Syria have been authorised by senior officials, including President Bashar Assad: "the facts point to the commission of very serious crimes - war crimes, crimes against humanity. They point to the fact that the evidence indicates responsibility at the highest level of government - including the head of state." In response to Ms Pillay's statement, Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said that the government doesn't listen to her.

Guilty verdicts in Bolshoi acid attack

A court in Moscow has found a dancer with the Bolshoi ballet and two other men guilty of an acid attack on the company's director last January. The judge has given Pavel Dmitrichenko a six-year jail sentence. He was found was guilty of organising the assault on Sergei Filin who was nearly blinded.

PISA study results released

The international PISA study which compares educational standards around the world has released its results for 2012. South Korea and Japan were among the highest-scoring nations. And Austria has put in a stronger performance compared with disappointing results for 2009. The survey tests over half a million 15 and 16 year olds in reading, maths and natural sciences.

The weather

This afternoon's outlook is mainly sunny with just some isolated foggy patches. Highs are ranging between minus 3 and plus 7 degrees.
