
News in English

Thai PM calls election / Demonstrations intensify in Ukraine / Further talks on Iran's nuclear programme / Top politician in North Korea dismissed/ Recovery work continues in Philippines / Preparations continue for Mandela's funeral / The weather


Thai PM calls election

Following a wave of anti-government protests in Bangkok, the Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has dissolved parliament and called a general election. The announcement followed the resignation of all opposition MPs from parliament over the week-end in support of the demonstrators. The protestors have renewed their call for Yingluck to step down. Thitinan Pongsudhirak is a Thai political scientist: "I think for the protestors it's clear if they run in the election they would likely lose. The situation is very tense. The protestors want nothing short of the take-over of government - a kind of "civilian people's coup" by Thailand's electoral minority."

Demonstrations intensify in Ukraine

In Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of pro-EU protestors took to the streets of Kiev over the week-end in the biggest rally so far in nearly three weeks of demonstrations against the government. Some demonstrators toppled a statue of the former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin. The protests started when President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign a deal on closer ties with the EU.

Further talks on Iran's nuclear programme

A further round of negotiations over Iran's controversial nuclear programme is taking place in Vienna. Officials from Iran, the US, France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany are attending the talks which will focus on how to implement a deal reached last month in Geneva in which Tehran agreed to curb some nuclear activities in return for some easing of sanctions.

Top politician in North Korea dismissed

The government in North Korea has confirmed that it's sacked the uncle of Kim Jong Un. Jang Song Thaek was once seen as Kim's mentor. The official news agency says corruption, drug use and gambling were behind the decision to dismiss him.

Recovery work continues in Philippines

Recovery work is continuing in the Philippines a month after the devastating typhoon Haiyan hit the country. The storm left nearly 6,000 people dead and displaced 4 million. UN spokesman Chris Kaye has been visiting Tacloban, one of the worst affected cities. He says residents are eager to re-build but that there aren't enough building supplies: "critical is to ensure that we get the materials of the type of quality that will ensure that we can build back better.”

Preparations continue for Mandela's funeral

Preparations are continuing in South Africa for tomorrow's memorial service for Nelson Mandela who died last Thursday. The country's parliament is paying tribute to the former President today. It marks the start of a week of commemorative events before a state funeral on 15th December.

The weather

It'll be a cloudy afternoon with occasional rain or snow in the region between Flachgau and northern Burgenland. The area from Vorarlberg to upper Carinthia will be sunny. And it'll be windy, stormy in the East. Highs ranging between minus 2 and plus 12 degrees.
