
News in English

Austrian parties close to coalition deal / Ashton confident on Ukraine EU deal / UN concern over Syrian refugees in Lebanon / Slovenia's banks need 5 billion Euros / Australian court rejects gay marriage law / The weather


Austrian parties close to coalition deal

Two and a half months after Austria's general election, the coalition parties are trying to finalise the details of a new government which could be announced in the coming hours. The talks between Social Democrat leader Werner Faymann and ÖVP head Michael Spindelegger went well into the night and were resumed earlier today. Speculation over cabinet posts has focussed on whether Spindelegger might take on the finance portfolio, and whether women's affairs minister Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek might become the new minister for education.

Ashton confident on Ukraine EU deal

The EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych has told her that he does intend to sign a deal on closer EU ties. She was speaking as pro-EU demonstrators continued to paralyse the centre of the Ukrainian capital Kiev. The protests were sparked by the government's withdrawal from the deal with Brussels. But Ashton says Yanukovych has given her the impression that he will eventually sign it: "what he talked about were the short-term economic issues that the country faces. And it is my view that those challenges can be addressed by the support that not only comes from the EU institutions but actually by showing that he has a serious economic plan also will help to bring in the kind of investment that he needs."

UN concern over Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The United Nations says it's extremely concerned about Syrian refugees in Lebanon as a fierce winter storm hits the region. The UN's refugee agency, the UNHCR, says it's trying to protect over 800,000 Syrians who've sought refuge in the country. It's estimated that about 80,000 people will have to spend the winter in tents. And many others are living in unheated buildings.

Slovenia's banks need 5 billion Euros

Slovenia's central bank says the country's banks need nearly 5 billion Euros to balance their books. The figures are within a range that the Eurozone member has previously said it can manage without seeking an international bailout.

Australian court rejects gay marriage law

Australia's High Court has overturned legislation allowing gay marriage in the Australian capital Canberra and the surrounding area - it was the first part of the country to legalise same-sex weddings. Around 27 couples who got married will now have their unions declared invalid. Rodney Croome is a spokesman for the group Australian Marriage quality: "although there's been a defeat for marriage equality in the High Court today, this week we've seen a much greater victory. And that victory was that the nation saw what is really at the core of this issue: marriage equality is about love, commitment, family and fairness."

The weather

It'll be foggy and overcast in the low-lying and hilly areas. But it will be sunny in the mountains. Highs are ranging mostly between minus 1 and plus 8 degrees.
