
News in English

South Sudan rebels strengthen positions / CAR leader under pressure / Russia anti-terror Operation / Russia blocks UN statement on Syria / Bomber targets Iraqi recruits / Tunisia premier “to resign” / France clears Ablyazov extradition / The Weather

South Sudan rebels strengthen positions

In South Sudan government troops are advancing on the rebel held town of Bentui in the northern oil producing region. Rebel fighters loyal to former deputy president Riek Machar are reported to be strengthening their positions. Thousands of people are fleeing the region. Toby Lanzer is UN humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan: “What we’ve seen is people grabbing whatever they can carry, mattresses, children. When civilians do that it’s usually because the word on the street is that trouble lies ahead.”

CAR leader under pressure

The Central African Republic's interim leader Michel Djotodia is expected to face pressure to step down at a summit of regional leaders in Chad today, over of his failure to deal with fighting between Muslim and Christian militias. Djotodia took the presidency after Muslim forces captured the capital Bangui 10 months ago. Thousands of people have died and nearly a million have fled their homes because of the violence.

Russia anti-terror operation

Anti-terror operations are underway in the southern Russian region of Stavropol after five bodies were discovered in four cars at various locations. All the victims had been shot dead. Police said two improvised explosive devices had been found by the cars. The region is 300 kilometres east of Sochi, the venue for next month's Winter Olympics, which Islamist militants have threatened to target.

Russia blocks UN statement on Syria

Russia has blocked a United Nations Security Council statement criticising Syrian government air strikes on rebels in Aleppo. At least 700 civilians have been killed in the attacks involving Scud missiles and barrel bombs. Meanwhile activists in Aleppo say rebel forces have expelled most fighters from the jihadist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, from the city. ISIL militants are also reported to have given up positions to rebel brigades in Deir al-Zor.

Bomber targets Iraqi recruits

In Iraq, a suicide bomber has killed 13 army recruits and wounded more than 30 in Baghdad. Police said the men had responded to a government appeal for volunteers to help fight al Qaeda-linked militants in Anbar province.

Tunisia premier “to resign”

In news just in, reports from Tunisia say the Islamist premier is to resign today, to hand over power to a caretaker administration until elections can be held.

France clears Ablyazov extradition

A French court has ruled that a Kazakh businessman and dissident, Mukhtar Ablyazov, should be extradited to Russia or Ukraine to face fraud charges. Ablyazov, who has financed the opposition in Kazakhstan, is accused of stealing billions of dollars from his former bank BTA, which also operates in Russia and Ukraine.

The Weather

Fog in low-lying areas, mainly sunny elsewhere. Top temps plus 9 to 17 degrees.
