
News in English

UN demands Vatican handover child abusers / UN accuses Syria over children / Libya destroys chemical weapons / Gay protests ahead of Sochi / Koreas agree family reunions / Bombings hit Baghdad / Ashton seeks de-escalation in Ukraine / The weather


UN demands Vatican handover child abusers

The United Nations has demanded that the Vatican immediately remove all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and turn them over to civil authorities. In an unprecedented and scathing report, the UN said the Holy See should also hand over its archives on sexual abuse of tens of thousands of children. The UN committee on the Rights of the Child said it is gravely concerned that the Vatican has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, not taken measures to prevent them in future. Spokeswoman Kirsten Sandberg: “The Holy See has consistently placed the preservation of the reputation of the church and the protection of the perpetrators above children’s best interests.” The Vatican is expected to issue a statement on the report later today.

UN accuses Syria over children

A United Nations report has said the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad is responsible for countless killings, maiming and torture of children during the country's nearly 3-year-old conflict. The UN has also accused rebel forces of recruiting children for combat.

Libya destroys chemical weapons

Libya has announced that all its chemical weapons have been destroyed. Libya agreed to dismantle its chemical arsenal in 2004 under the late dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Gay protests ahead of Sochi

Gay rights activists are holding protests around the world ahead of the Winter Olympics opening in the Russian resort of Sochi later this week. Activists are targeting major companies that sponsor the Olympics calling on them they speak out against anti-gay laws in place in Russia.

Koreas agree family reunions

North and South Korea have agreed to allow families separated by the Korean War to hold brief reunions. If the reunions go ahead they would be the first since 2010.

Bombings hit Baghdad

In Iraq, at least 22 people have been killed in a series of bombings by suspected al-Qaeda linked Sunni militants in the capital Baghdad. Official figures say more than 1,000 people died in terror attacks in Iraq in January, the worst monthly toll for almost six years.

Ashton seeks de-escalation in Ukraine

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton is meeting Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev today to discuss a peaceful solution to the country's political crisis. She is expected to offer some financial aid to Ukraine. Ashton is also meeting opposition leaders.

The weather

Fog in the east and south, with snowfalls in the southwest. Some sunny spells north of the Alps. Top temperatures zero to 7 degrees and 8 to 15 in föhn wind areas.
