
News in English

Crimea asks to join Russia / Search continues for Malaysia plane / Progressive Party wins Serbia's election / Pollution prompts car restrictions in Paris / The weather


Crimea asks to join Russia

Crimea's parliament has formally declared independence from Ukraine and has asked for the region to join Russia. The move follows yesterday's controversial referendum. According to election officials, 97% who took part were in favour of breaking away from Ukraine. The new government in Kiev has said it will not recognise the results and the US and EU say the vote was illegal. EU foreign ministers are discussing sanctions against Moscow in the wake of the vote. The EU's Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton: "it's illegal under the constitution of Ukraine and under international law. I call upon Russia yet again to meet with Ukrainian leaders and to start dialogue with them. And to try and move towards de-escalation please as quickly as possible." The Russian government has argued that the referendum was consistent with international law. President Vladimir Putin is to address a joint session of the country's parliament tomorrow where he's expected to make a statement on Crimea.

Search continues for Malaysia plane

As international efforts continue to locate the missing Malaysian Airlines plane, Australia says it's taking control of part of the search. The government says it's agreed to search the southern Indian Ocean for the aircraft. Meanwhile, investigators say the flight was deliberately diverted and that its communications equipment was switched off shortly after take-off during the flight on March 8th from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Police have searched the homes of the captain and co-pilot who were in charge of the plane.

Progressive Party wins Serbia's election

In Serbia, the ruling centre-right Serbian Progressive Party has won a parliamentary majority in yesterday's general election. The party campaigned on reform, job creation and fighting corruption and crime. Its leader, Aleksandar Vucic, who served as information minister during the Milosevic era, is expected to become the new Prime Minister. He's argued in favour of Serbia joining the EU. Belgrade started official talks with Brussels earlier this year. Vucic says in spite of his party's success in the elections, he wants to pursue concensus politics: "we always wanted to make a kind of broader consensus between not only political parties, but among our people. That's very important for our country."

Pollution prompts car restrictions in Paris

Hundreds of police will be monitoring traffic in Paris today after pollution levels prompted the French government to impose major restrictions on cars. Ministers took the action after air pollution exceeded safe levels for five days running in the capital and surrounding areas.

The weather

The afternoon should be sunny and warm with highs between 12 and 22 degrees and a stormy wind in places.
