
News in English

Assad claims contact with anti-IS coalition / Intense fighting in Ukraine ahead of talks / Greece votes on government / Anti-corruption party wins Delhi / Malaysia rejects Anwar appeal / Hong Kong maid abuse case / The Weather

Assad claims contact with anti-IS coalition

Syrian president Bashar Assad has claimed his government is receiving information via third parties from the United States led international coalition against the Islamic State militant group. Assad in an interview with the BBC said there had been no direct co-operation since coalition air strikes began in Syria last September: “That’s from a third party, more than one party, Iraq and other countries. Sometimes they convey a message, general message but there’s nothing tactical. There’s no dialogue. There’s, let’s say, information.” Assad in the interview rejected all responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in Syria, after four years of war.

Intense fighting in Ukraine ahead of talks

In Ukraine, government forces say they have made advances around Mariupol in a counter-offensive against pro-Russian rebels. The rebels say they have surrounded the strategically important railway hub of Debaltseve. Meanwhile Russia has begun military exercises near the border to Ukraine and in Crimea, annexed by Moscow. The moves come ahead of talks scheduled tomorrow between the leaders of Germany, France, Russia, and Ukraine in the Belarussian capital Minsk to seek an end to fighting in east Ukraine. United States president Barack Obama has expressed his full support for the Minsk talks after meeting in Washington with German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Greece votes on government

Greece's new coalition government is expected to win a confidence vote later today after prime minister Alexis Tsipras said his party’s promise to renegotiate the country’s debt programme is irrevocable. The vote comes ahead of a special meeting of Eurozone finance ministers on Greece tomorrow.

Anti-corruption party wins Delhi

In India, a radical anti-corruption party has won a huge victory in state elections in Delhi. Preliminary results give the Aam Admi or Common Man party more than 90% of the seats in the state assembly. The result is the first major setback for the BJP party of prime minister Narendra Modi which won a landslide in national elections last year.

Malaysia rejects Anwar appeal

Malaysia’s highest court has rejected an appeal by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim against his conviction on sodomy charges in 2014 and upheld a five-year prison term. Anwar denounced the verdict as politically motivated. Malaysia’s governing party has been in power since independence nearly 60 years ago.

Hong Kong maid abuse case

A Hong Kong woman has been found guilty of severe abuse of her Indonesian maid in a landmark case that sparked international outrage. The maid was admitted to hospital when she returned to Indonesia last year emaciated and in a critical condition.

The Weather

Cloudy in the east and mainly dry. Sunny spells in the west and south. Top temperatures minus 1 to plus 12 degrees.
