
News in English

Amnesty slates world response to mass atrocities / Eurozone backs Greek reform plans / France warns Moscow of new sanctions / Paris drone mystery deepens / Hundreds honour victims of Czech shooting / Routh guilty in American Sniper case / The weather


Amnesty slates world response to mass atrocities

Amnesty International has called on the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to give up their power of veto in cases of mass atrocities. In its annual report, Amnesty said 2014 had been a catastrophic year, adding that world leaders were "shameful and ineffective" in failing to protect civilians from groups like the Islamic State. Salil Shetty is Amnesty International's Secretary General: "We feel that here the international community and governments have completely failed civilians. The response was dismal. We call it shameful, actually."

Eurozone backs Greek reform plans

The main stock market in Athens hit a three-month high on Tuesday, after Eurozone finance ministers approved reform proposals submitted by Greece in order to secure a four-month extension of its bailout. The measures offered by Greece include combating tax evasion and reforming the public sector. But the International Monetary Fund said they lacked "clear assurances" in key areas.

France warns Moscow of new sanctions

The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says Moscow will face more European sanctions if pro-Russian separatists attack the Ukrainian port of Mariupol. Ukraine fears Mariupol could be the next major target after separatists took the strategic town of Debaltseve. Meanwhile, the US Secretary of State John Kerry has accused Russia of engaging in the "most extensive propaganda exercise" since the Cold War. Addressing a Senate committee in Washington on Tuesday, Kerry said Russian leaders had lied to him when denying there were Russian troops or weapons in Ukraine.

Paris drone mystery deepens

French police say drones have appeared over landmarks in central Paris for the second night running and they still don´t know who is operating them. Flying over Paris at night is illegal and low flights need authorisation.

Hundreds honour victims of Czech shooting

Hundreds of residents of a small town in the Czech Republic have gathered to honour the victims of the worst shooting attack in the country's history. A 63-year-old local man opened fire at a restaurant in Uhersky Brod during lunchtime on Tuesday, killing eight people and seriously wounding another before he fatally shot himself. A motive hasn't yet been determined, but authorities have ruled out terrorism.

Routh guilty in American Sniper case

A Texas jury has sentenced Eddie Ray Routh to life in prison without the possibility of parole, after finding him guilty of murdering Chris Kyle, the former US Navy SEAL who inspired the film American Sniper. Routh, a former US Marine, was found guilty of fatally shooting Kyle and a friend at a gun range in February 2013.

The weather

Rain or snowfall should ease off and there should be some sunshine. Top temperatures today from 1 to 9.
