
News in English

Many dead in Ukraine coal mine blast / Putin urges end to political killings / Obama dismisses Netanyahu speech / Bali Nine ringleaders moved to execution site / Italy rescues hundreds from the Mediterranean / “Racial bias” widespread in Ferguson, Missouri / The weather


Many dead in Ukraine coal mine blast

Separatist authorities in eastern Ukraine say 32 people have died in an explosion at a coal mine, with more miners still trapped 1,000m underground. It´s understood that several hundred people were working in the Zasyadko mine in the separatist stronghold of Donetsk and that over 150 have been evacuated. A methane explosion there in 2007 killed 106 people - the worst mining accident in Ukraine´s history.

Putin urges end to political killings

President Vladimir Putin says that Friday´s murder of the opposition leader Boris Nemtsov has a political subtext and Russia should be freed of such killings. Earlier Russia's Federal Security Service said that one line of investigation into the shooting had identified several suspects.

Obama dismisses Netanyahu speech

The US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif have resumed their talks on Iran´s nuclear programme in the Swiss city of Montreux. The meeting comes a day after a controversial address to the US Congress by Israel´s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, in which he warned that a deal could "pave Iran's path to the bomb" rather than block it. President Barack Obama has given a scathing response and said Netanyahu had offered no viable alternative: "If we are successful negotiating then, in fact, this will be the best deal possible to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Nothing else comes close."

Bali Nine ringleaders moved to execution site

The ringleaders of the so-called "Bali Nine" Australian drug gang are being transferred from Bali to another Indonesian island to be executed. Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are among nine foreigners expected to face a firing squad in the coming days after being caught attempting to smuggle heroin from Bali to Australia in 2005. Australia has pressed Indonesia not to go ahead.

Italy rescues hundreds from the Mediterranean

The Italian coast guard says at least 10 migrants died after their rubber dinghy overturned in the southern Mediterranean as they tried to reach Italy from Libya. Over 100 others were rescued. More than 900 migrants have been rescued in seven separate missions over a 24-hour period, among them 80 women and children.

“Racial bias” widespread in Ferguson, Missouri

It´s being reported that the US Justice Department has found widespread evidence of racial bias in the police force and court system in Ferguson, Missouri. The department began a civil rights investigation following the shooting of the black 18-year-old Michael Brown in August.

The weather

Changeable with isolated rain or snow showers. Top temperatures from minus 1 to plus 11.
