
News in English

Austrian held by Islamic State / Kurds attack IS near Kirkuk / ECB begins quantitative easing / Eurozone meets on Greece reforms / Yashin sceptical of Nemtsov murder arrests / Putin acknowledges Crimea annexation / Merkel urges Japan to confront WW2 past / Solar plane takes off / The Weather

Austrian held by Islamic State

The Austrian foreign ministry has confirmed that a 39 year old Austrian oil company worker is being held by Islamic State militants after he was abducted during an attack on an oil field in Libya. He and eight fellow foreign workers were kidnapped during the attack on the al-Ghani oil field three days ago. It is unclear where the hostages are being held.

Kurds attack IS near Kirkuk

Kurdish forces in Iraq have launched a new offensive backed by US led airstrikes against Islamic State positions threatening the city of Kirkuk. Kurdish forces took control of Kirkuk last summer when Iraqi forces collapsed before an IS advance.

ECB begins quantitative easing

The European Central Bank has begun an unprecedented quantitative easing program, purchasing up to 60 billion euros worth of government and corporate bonds a month. The 1.1 trillion euro program is meant to boost growth across the eurozone and counter concerns about too low inflation. It is expected to continue until at least September next year.

Eurozone meets on Greece reforms

Eurozone finance ministers meet today in Brussels to discuss new reform plans put forward by Greece. Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has said Greece could call a referendum or hold early elections if its euro zone partners reject its debt and growth plans.

Yashin sceptical of Nemtsov murder arrests

Russian opposition politician, Ilya Yashin, has expressed scepticism that the murder of his ally, Boris Nemtsov, was carried out by the two Chechen men charged as his killers. Russian officials say one of the men has confessed to the crime. Ilya Yashin: “I believe organisers of that murder are in the Russian government. It’s very important to get under arrest the organisers of the murder.”

Putin acknowledges Crimea annexation

Russian President Vladimir Putin has acknowledged openly in a television documentary that a meeting was held with security chiefs last year during which Moscow decided it would annex the Ukrainian region of Crimea. A trailer for the documentary has been shown on state-owned television.

Merkel urges Japan to confront WW2 past

German chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Japan to confront its wartime conduct, during a speech in Tokyo. Merkel said Germany has regained respect internationally because of its efforts to face openly the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during World War II. She also said Germany’s rehabilitation had only been possible because its former enemies were willing to accept that it had confronted its past.

Solar plane takes off

An attempt has begun to fly a solar powered plane around the world for the first time. The Swiss-made plane took off from Abu Dhabi on the maiden leg of a five month voyage meant to focus the world's attention on sustainable energy.

The Weather

Mainly sunny and mild with top temperatures 7 to 16 degrees.
