
News in English

EU challenged over migrant deaths / South Korea to raise Sewol / Yanukovych ally found dead / Israel commemorates Holocaust / MH370 search to continue / Putin holds annual phone-in / Wage protests in US / The weather


EU challenged over migrant deaths

The European Union is coming under renewed pressure from human rights and refugee organisations over migrant deaths in the Mediterranean. The European Council on Refugees and Exiles and other groups have said the death toll for this year is now over 900, far greater than in the same period in 2014. They say a smaller rescue mission put in place by EU states to replace Italian operations has failed to deter migrants fleeing conflict in the Middle east and Africa.

South Korea to raise Sewol

South Korea’s president Park Geun-hye says the ferry which sank a year ago today killing 304 people, most of them high school students, is to be raised from the seabed. Relatives of the victims of the Sewol sinking have held angry protests, some refusing to attend a ceremony with the president. Park Geun-hye: “There are still nine missing victims in the sunken waters. The government will take all measures so that those victims can return to their families.” The government has previously refused to agree to the Sewol salvage.

Yanukovych ally found dead

A former ally of the deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych has been found shot to death in his home in Kiev. Ukrainian authorities said Oleg Kalashnikov had died of gunshot wounds but did not say whether it was believed to be homicide or suicide. At least six former Ukrainian government officials from the Yanukovych era have died over the past two months.

Israel commemorates Holocaust

Israel is holding its annual Holocaust memorial day. Ceremonies are being held around the country in remembrance of the six million Jews killed in the Nazi Holocaust during World War Two.

MH370 search to continue

Government ministers from Australia, China and Malaysia have said they will double the search area for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 if wreckage is not found in the current target area off Australia's west coast. No trace has been found of the aircraft which disappeared in March last year carrying 239 passengers and crew.

Putin holds annual phone-in

Russian president Vladimir Putin is holding his annual phone-in today in which ordinary Russians can question him live on national television. Questions on social welfare and housing are high on the agenda with real incomes in Russia falling this year for the first time since Putin came to power.

Wage protests in US

Demonstrations have been held in more than 200 cities across the United States calling for an increase in the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. Employees of Walmart, fast food chains and care workers have joined the protests demanding social justice.

The weather

Generally sunny and warm with top temperatures 20 to 28 degrees.
