
News in English

Thousands flee IS in Ramadi / Afghan police sentenced over mob killing / Libya “not consulted” on EU refugee plan / Egypt accused over sexual violence / ILO: workers paying for financial crisis / Former Thai PM pleads not guilty / Dozens die in Colombia mudslide / The Weather

Thousands flee IS in Ramadi

The Iraqi government is deploying thousands of Shia militia fighters to try to recapture the city of Ramadi from Islamic state militants. Residents of the city say the militants have been carrying out revenge killings against government sympathisers since Islamic State took full control of Ramadi on Sunday night. Lisa Grande is the United Nations deputy special representative for Iraq. “Tens of thousands of people have fled from Ramadi. They’re running for their lives. Our problem is that our stocks are almost out. We’re desperate for international donors. We’ve got two more weeks only of stocks of emergency kits.”

Afghan police sentenced over mob killing

In Afghanistan 11 policemen have received one year prison sentences for failing to intervene when a mob beat a woman to death in the street in Kabul in March. The woman, Fakhunda, had been falsely accused of burning a Koran. Her death led to widespread protests against the treatment of women. Activists have condemned the sentencing of the police as too lenient. Four men have already been sentenced to death for the murder.

Libya “not consulted” on EU refugee plan

Libya's ambassador to the United Nations, Ibrahim Dabbashi, has said his country has not been consulted about European Union plans to establish a naval force to combat smugglers bringing refugees from the Libyan coast across the Mediterranean. EU ministers yesterday approved the plan. Dabbashi ruled out the use of EU forces on Libyan soil "at this stage

Egypt accused over sexual violence

The International Federation for Human Rights has accused security forces in Egypt of using sexual violence against detainees on a massive scale. The Federation says there is evidence sexual violence against inmates has increased significantly since the military takeover in 2013 and that the authorities are allowing it to silence opposition.

ILO: workers paying for financial crisis

A report by the International Labor Organisation says there has been a global shift to more insecure jobs since the world financial crisis in 2008 and that it is fuelling growing inequality and higher rates of poverty. The ILO says only a quarter of the world’s workers are on permanent contracts.

Former Thai PM pleads not guilty

Thailand’s ousted prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has pleaded not guilty at the start of her trial on charges of criminal negligence. The charges relate to a rice subsidy scheme, which paid farmers in the rural areas which supported her party twice the market rate for their crop. Her government was brought down in a military coup nearly a year ago.

Dozens die in Colombia mudslide

Over 50 people have been killed in a landslide in the north-west of Colombia.Officials say it is unclear how many more may be missing.

The Weather

Mainly cloudy and wet in the west. Sunny spells in the east with occasional heavy rain and thundershowers. Top temperatures from 12 up to 30 degrees in the southeast.
