
News in English

US spy agencies curbed / Climate change conference underway / SPÖ and ÖVP face losses in state elections / Drop in support for Renzi in Italy / Rana Plaza charges announced / Solar plane forced down / The weather


US spy agencies curbed

United States spy agencies have lost the power to continue the mass collection of US citizens’ telephone data, after the Senate failed to renew counterterrorism legislation. New legislation backed by the Obama administration, known as the USA Freedom Act, that limits National Security Agency surveillance and introduces new transparency rules is expected to pass in the coming days. CIA director John Brennan says the powers are necessary to protect national security. “These tools give us better ability to see the tactical moves that various terrorist groups or individuals are making and what we need to do is to have that strategic intelligence perspective here in the homeland to stop that attack.”

Climate change conference underway

An international conference is underway in Bonn in Germany to try to finalise the text for a global deal to fight climate change. Delegates from 190 countries hope to streamline an 89-page draft text ahead of a United Nations climate summit in Paris in December.

SPÖ and ÖVP face losses in state elections

In two state elections in Austria yesterday, the Social Democrats remain the strongest party in Styria followed by the conservative People’s party but both saw historic losses with a fall in voter support to just under 30%, while the far right Freedom party saw substantial gains, winning around 27%. The Greens won just under 7% and the Communists just over 4% in Styria. In Burgenland, the Social Democrats emerged the strongest party with over 40% of the vote, followed by the People’s party, but with significant losses for both, while the Freedom party and the Greens saw gains.

Drop in support for Renzi in Italy

In local elections in seven of Italy's 20 regions yesterday, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's centre-left Democratic Party appears to have won five regions but with a substantial loss in overall support compared to last year's European elections. The anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the far right Northern League both made gains. Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia won around 10%. The results are considered a setback for Renzi's economic reform plans.

Rana Plaza charges announced

In Bangladesh a factory owner and 41 others are to face murder charges for their roles in the collapse of a garment factory building that killed more than 1,100 people in 2013. Concerns had been raised about the safety of Rana Plaza before the collapse.

Solar plane forced down

Bad weather has forced a solar powered plane attempting to fly around the world to make an unscheduled stop in Japan. The Swiss pilot of the Solar Impulse had taken off from China yesterday for Hawaii in what was to be the longest leg of the journey.

The weather

Warm and mainly sunny, with scattered rain and thundershowers. Top temperatures 19 to 28 degrees.
