
News in English

Greek PM back in Brussels for crunch talks / Tensions rise over Hungary´s stance on migrants / France and Britain step up border security / France summons US envoy over spying claims / Netherlands ordered to cut emissions / Ancient shrines destroyed near Palmyra / The weather


Greek PM back in Brussels for crunch talks

The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, is meeting with his country's creditors in Brussels today in a final attempt to prevent Greece defaulting on its debts. The aim is to smooth over differences which remain over reforms that Greece has proposed in exchange for rescue loans needed to meet a €1.6bn payment to the International Monetary Fund on June 30. Euro zone finance ministers will discuss the proposal in more detail later today, ahead of a summit of EU leaders.

Tensions rise over Hungary´s stance on migrants

Austria has summoned the Hungarian ambassador, after the Hungarian government suspended the Dublin Regulation, which requires the processing of asylum applications in the country in which people first arrive in Europe. Hungarian officials say that more than 60,000 people have entered the country illegally this year. Péter Szijjártó is Hungary´s Minister of Foreign Affairs: "We think that the EU does not give the necessary regard to the migrant pressure coming through the western Balkans. This needs to change immediately, as this is in both Hungary and Europe´s interest."

France and Britain step up border security

Border security is being stepped up in northern France and the English port of Dover, after migrants trying to reach the UK tried to exploit strike action by port workers in Calais. Hundreds of migrants tried to board vehicles heading to the UK from Calais on Tuesday.

France summons US envoy over spying claims

The French President Francois Hollande has been holding emergency talks with senior security officials, after Wikileaks released documents alleging that the US National Security Agency eavesdropped on the last three French presidents as well as French ministers and the ambassador to the United States. Hollande says France will not tolerate actions that threaten its security and the protection of its interests. The French Foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador and France is sending a senior intelligence official to the United States in the coming days.

Netherlands ordered to cut emissions

A court in the Netherlands has ordered the government to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020, in a case environmentalists hope will set a precedent for other countries. Campaigners brought the case on behalf of almost 900 Dutch citizens. They argued the government had a duty to protect its citizens from the looming dangers of climate change.

Ancient shrines destroyed near Palmyra

The Islamic State group says it has destroyed two ancient shrines close to the Syrian city of Palmyra, which it captured a month ago. It´s the first reported damage to ancient sites at Palmyra, which is famed for its UNESCO-listed Roman ruins.

The weather

A mix of sunshine, cloud and showers. Highs today from 15 to 23.
