
News in English

EU considers new quota system for refugees / Austria´s president holds high-level talks in Tehran / Campaigning begins in Myanmar / 12 Turkish soldiers die in roadside bomb attack / Lufthansa pilots begin two-day strike / Koreas agree on rare family reunions / The weather


EU considers new quota system for refugees

The European Commission is meeting today to try to finalise controversial proposals to relocate 160,000 refugees and migrants across the European Union. If the commission´s plans are approved fines could be imposed on countries which refuse to accept those who have recently arrived in Italy, Greece and Hungary. France has said it will take in 24,000 refugees under the new quota system. Germany will reportedly take 31,000 additional people and is prepared for more in the longer term. Meanwhile, the United Nations refugee agency says a record 7,000 Syrians arrived in Macedonia from Greece on Monday. The UNHCR says Europe must offer guaranteed relocation for people fleeing Syria.

Austria´s president holds high-level talks in Tehran

The Austrian president Heinz Fischer, who´s on the second day of a state visit to Iran, says that bilateral trade will grow to 300 million euros this year, and continue to increase in the coming years. Fischer was speaking at a joint news conference with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani. He is due to meet Iran´s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei later today, a rare event for a Western official.

Campaigning begins in Myanmar

Campaigning has begun in Myanmar, two months ahead of the country´s first openly contested general election in 25 years. The National League for Democracy, led by the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory in the 1990 election but the military did not recognise the result. Suu Kyi says it´s a crucial turning point and she called on the international community to monitor the outcome: "For the first time in decades our people will have a real chance of bringing about real change. This is a chance that we cannot afford to let slip.”

12 Turkish soldiers die in roadside bomb attack

Turkish state media is reporting that 12 police officers have been killed in roadside bomb attack in eastern Turkey near the border with Armenia. The attack comes amid a sharp escalation of violence between Turkey's security forces and the Kurdistan Workers´ Party or PKK.

Lufthansa pilots begin two-day strike

Lufthansa pilots have begun a two-day strike, as the long-running dispute over pay, retirement benefits and cost cuts continues. Today´s strike affects long-haul passenger and cargo flights out of Germany, with a further 24-hour walkout on Wednesday targeting short-haul Lufthansa and Germanwings flights.

Koreas agree on rare family reunions

North and South Korea have reportedly agreed to hold rare reunions for families separated by the Korean War. It follows an agreement last month to de-escalate tensions on the peninsula. Thousands of Korean families have been separated with little or no contact since the war ended in 1953.

The weather

A mix of sunshine and cloud, with highs from 12 to 22.
