
News in English

EU seeks deal with Turkey / UN to meet on latest Mideast violence / Some US troops to stay in Afghanistan / Ex-Soviet states meet on security issues / Deadly bomb attacks in Nigeria / The weather


EU seeks deal with Turkey

EU leaders are calling on Turkey to step up efforts to prevent refugees from crossing the Aegean to Greece from where they cross the Balkans towards Western Europe. In return, Turkey wants concessions from the EU such as visa liberalization for Turks, a financial aid package including funding for the two million Syrian refugees now in Turkey. European Council President Donald Tusk: “We need a response from the Turkish side. They are the partners bin the crisis. You help us, we help you. It’s that simple.” In a related story, an Afghan refugee crossing the border from Turkey was shot and killed this morning by a border patrol in Bulgaria. It was the first such incident since the current refugee crisis began.

UN to meet on latest Mideast violence

The United Nations Security Council will meet in emergency session today to discuss increasing violence between Israelis and Palestinians. The latest cycle of unrest began over a month ago with the first of a series of Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis. Eight Israelis have died and more than 70 others wounded. 30 Palestinians have been killed, including some of the attackers. Palestinian student Majid Wahid says anger and frustration are fueling the violence: “Well, as Palestinians they feel very oppressed about it , they feel very angry. They want to express it somehow and I’m not justifying what’s going. It’s unfortunate this is happening. Nobody wants it to escalate like this.” Security has been tightened in many Israel cities and towns. Earlier today, Palestinian protesters set fire to a Jewish shrine in the West Bank town of Nablus. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is willing to resume talks with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas: “I’ve called on President Abbas to resume unconditional negotiations. I think we should stop immediately this incitement against Israel and these attacks. I’m willing to meet him, but he’s not willing to meet me.”

Some US troops to stay in Afghanistan

The White House says that over five-thousand American troops will remain in Afghanistan past next year. Plans to withdraw all US forces by 2017 have been revised because of recent gains by the Taliban, including its brief takeover of the city of Kunduz. US President Barack Obama: “I believe this mission is vital to our national security interests in preventing terrorist attacks against our citizens and our nation.”

Ex-Soviet states meet on security issues

The leaders of former Soviet republics are meeting today in Kazakhstan. Led by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the leaders agreed to create a strike force to protect the former borders of the USSR. Putin has said such a force is needed to prevent Islamic militants in Afghanistan from crossing into Tajikistan and other countries.

Deadly bomb attacks in Nigeria

In Nigeria, a series of suicide bomb attacks in the northern city of Maiduguri has killed six people. Similar attacks yesterday in the city killed 30. Boko Haram militants are thought to have been behind the violence.

The weather

The weather this afternoon will see scattered rain across the country. Snowfall above 800 meters can also be expected from Voralberg to Styria. Highs today are ranging from 2 to 15 degrees.
