
News in English

Canada´s Liberals sweep to power / Slovenia appeals for help over refugee influx / Clashes at PEGIDA rally in Dresden / Marine Le Pen in court / Ban Ki-Moon on ME mission / Pistorius released on parole / The weather


Canada´s Liberals sweep to power

Justin Trudeau is set to become Canada's new prime minister after his Liberal Party swept to power in Monday´s general election, ending nearly a decade of Conservative rule. The son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, he said Canadians had voted for real change. Trudeau has pledged to repair Canada´s relations with the United States, withdraw from the combat mission against Islamic State militants and tackle climate change. David Herle is a Canadian political consultant: "Canadians feel like they´ve watched this person grow up so there´s a real comfort level with him, a real sense of what his values are, which are moderate and progressive and small "l" liberal. He is a young man. He´s got a young family. It´s time for generational change in the country and I think people are excited about that."

Slovenia appeals for help over refugee influx

Slovenia's government has appealed for help from its European neighbours as it struggles to cope with thousands of refugees and migrants arriving from Croatia after Hungary sealed its border with Croatia at the weekend. The Slovenian parliament is expected to approve new legislation later today to enable the army to help police guard the border.

Clashes at PEGIDA rally in Dresden

Violent clashes were reported in the German city of Dresden on Monday night after the anti-Islam group PEGIDA staged a rally to mark its first anniversary. Some 20,000 PEGIDA supporters took to the streets with a similar number staging a counter-demonstration. German officials accuse PEGIDA of trying to capitalise on fears of immigration, amid an unprecedented influx of refugees to the country.

Marine Le Pen in court

The leader of France´s National Front Marine Le Pen goes on trial today in Lyon over comments she made in 2010 comparing Muslim street prayers to a foreign occupation. Le Pen is charged with inciting racial hatred. She faces up to a year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros.

Ban Ki-Moon on ME mission

It´s being reported that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will make a surprise visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories today, in a bid to bring an end to weeks of violence. Nine Israelis have died in Palestinian attacks, while over 40 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire.

Pistorius released on parole

The South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has been released on parole, almost a year into his five-year prison sentence for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day in 2013. Pistorius must serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest. But he still faces an appeal next month by prosecutors who argue that he should have been convicted of murder.

The weather

Some sunshine, especially in the west and south, elsewhere mostly overcast with isolated showers. Top temperatures today from 5 to 14.
