
News in English

Assad holds talks in Moscow / US opposes Russian action in Iraq / Emergency summit on Balkan refugees / Slovenia deploys army for refugees / Multinational tax deals ‘illegal’ / China invests in British nuclear industry / Romania’s Iliescu in court / The weather


Assad holds talks in Moscow

Syrian president Bashar Assad on a surprise visit to Moscow has held talks with Russian president Vladimir Putin on Russia’s military campaign in support of his regime. The visit is believed to be Assad’s first foreign trip since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011. Assad expressed his gratitude to Moscow for its intervention: “Terrorism which has now spread throughout the region would have taken much larger areas and would have spread throughout the territory and beyond if it were not for your actions and your decisions.” At the talks, president Putin said military action should lead to a long term political solution in Syria: “As far as the situation in Syria itself is concerned, we go on a premise that based on positive developments in combat operations a long term settlement can be reached in the end through the political process.”

US opposes Russian action in Iraq

A top United States military official, general Joseph Dunford, has said Iraq’s leaders have given assurances they won’t request Russian military aid against Islamic State militants. However Iraq’s ruling alliance and Shiite militias are urging prime minister Haider al-Abadi to request Russian air strikes.

Emergency summit on Balkan refugees

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called an emergency summit of the leaders of Austria and Germany and Balkan countries, for this Sunday, to discuss the refugee crisis. In a statement, his office said there needs to be far greater consultation and practical cooperation between governments, as tens of thousands of refugees try to make their way north through the Balkans amid worsening weather.

Slovenia deploys army for refugees

The Slovenian parliament has approved use of its army to help control the influx of refugees. Soldiers are to assist police with border control and transport.

Multinational tax deals ‘illegal’

The European commission has ruled that tax deals struck by Luxembourg and the Netherlands with multinational companies amounted to illegal state aid. The Commission has said the US coffee chain Starbucks and carmaker Fiat must pay up to 30 million euros each in additional taxes.

China invests in British nuclear industry

China's president Xi Jinping on a state visit to Britain is expected to confirm a deal that will lead to China investing billions of dollars in Britain’s nuclear power industry. Critics have raised security concerns about China’s role in Britain’s energy strategy.

Romania’s Iliescu in court

Former Romanian president Ion Iliescu has appeared in court on charges of crimes against humanity. The charges are in relation to the violent repression of an anti-government protest in 1990, in which six people died and hundreds were injured.

The weather

Mainly sunny in the west and south. Cloudy with scattered showers and a few sunny spells in the north and east. Top temperatures 5 to 15 degrees.
