
News in English

Afghan-Pakistan quake toll over 300 / Juncker warns EU over refugee crisis / Bavaria accuses Austria over refugees / China condemns US over sea challenge / Turkey arrests IS suspects / Yemen hospital hit / The weather


Afghan-Pakistan quake toll over 300

Rescue workers in Afghanistan and Pakistan are trying to reach remote areas hit by yesterday’s powerful earthquake. Many people spent last night outside in near freezing temperatures fearing aftershocks. The combined death toll of the two countries is now over 300 and is expected to rise. Thousands have been injured. Afghan president Ashraf Ghani appealed to citizens to help one another: “I demand all Afghans, my fellow countrymen, to help each other if they are in the affected areas.” The Taliban has ordered its fighters not to hinder relief operations and to help victims where possible.

Juncker warns EU over refugee crisis

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has warned that the EU is losing credibility over its handling of the refugee crisis. Speaking before the European parliament Juncker criticised member states for the slow response to the crisis and failure to fulfil pledges including providing extra personnel for frontline countries Greece and Italy receiving refugees.

Bavaria accuses Austria over refugees

Bavaria’s governor Horst Seehofer has accused Austrian officials of failing to coordinate refugee movements with Bavaria. Austrian authorities say Bavaria is limiting the intake of refugees to 50 an hour and the situation is becoming increasingly difficult to manage.

China condemns US over sea challenge

China has reacted angrily after the United States launched a direct military challenge to its territorial claims in the South China Sea with naval manoeuvres near two artificial islands Beijing has built. China condemned the manoeuver as a provocative act. Washington has said island building cannot be used to claim sovereignty in what were previously international waters.

Turkey arrests IS suspects

Turkish media are reporting that security forces have arrested around 30 suspected militants from the Islamic State group in the central city of Konya and a nearby town. Turkey has expanded operations against Islamic State following suicide bombings of a peace rally in Ankara earlier this month, in which over 100 people died. Meanwhile Turkey has confirmed that it has attacked Kurdish fighters in northern Syria allied to the United States.

Yemen hospital hit

The aid group Doctors without Borders says one of its hospitals has been hit in Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen. It says the hospital in Saada in north Yemen was destroyed in a second strike and that staff and patients had been evacuated previously.

The weather

Mainly sunny in mountain regions, partly sunny, partly foggy over the rest of the country. Top temperatures 10, to 21 degrees in föhn wind areas.
