
News in English

Investigations continue into Sinai plane crash / UN seeks funds to cope with refugee crisis / Myanmar prepares for elections / 18 die in factory collapse in Pakistan / Second night of protests in Bucharest / The weather


Investigations continue into Sinai plane crash

Officials in the UK and US say the Russian plane that crashed in Sinai in Egypt last week-end killing all 224 people on board may have been brought down by a bomb. However they say they've yet to reach a firm conclusion. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond: "we've reviewed all the information that we have available from a range of sources. As a result of that review we have concluded that there is a significant possibility that that crash was caused by an explosive device on board the aircraft." The UK has suspended flights to and from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh from where the plane took off. Russian officials say it's too early to draw conclusions and that only the official investigation can determine what brought the plane down. Egypt has dismissed claims by militants linked to Islamic State that they were responsible.

UN seeks funds to cope with refugee crisis

The UN's refugee agency is appealing for funding so that it can help support countries in the Balkan region cope with the continuing influx of refugees. The UNHCR says around 5,000 people a day are expected to arrive in Europe over the winter.

Myanmar prepares for elections

In Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi says she will run the government if her National League for Democracy wins this Sunday's election - the first openly contested polls in 25 years. The NLD is expected to do well but Suu Kyi is banned from being president by the constitution because her sons hold British passports. She's indicated that if her party comes in first, another member of the NLD would take on the role of president, but that she would be making the decisions: "I've not said we're going to win. I've said if we win and the NLD forms a government, I will be above the president. It's a very simple message."

18 die in factory collapse in Pakistan

A rescue operation is underway in Pakistan to try and reach dozens of people thought to be trapped in rubble after a factory collapsed in the city of Lahore. At least 18 people have died. It's not clear what caused the disaster.

Second night of protests in Bucharest

There's been a second night of protests in the Romanian capital Bucharest. Around 30,000 people took part in yesterday's demonstration, just hours after the resignation of Prime Minister Victor Ponta. The protesters demanded early elections and further political reform. The demonstrations were prompted by last week's deadly nightclub fire in which over 32 people died. There've been rising concerns that corruption has led to compromises over safety issues. Meanwhile, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis says the education minister Sorin Cimpeanu will be interim prime minister.

The weather

Frequent sunshine with some fog or cloud about in places. Highs ranging between 9 and 19 degrees.
