
News in English

Russia blames terrorists for Egyptian plane crash / France continues to hunt Paris terror suspects /
Tunisia foils plot to attack beach resort / Last Ebola patient leaves hospital in Guinea / Hungary to launch legal action over refugee quotas / The weather


Russia blames terrorists for Egyptian plane crash

The head of Russia's intelligence service says a terrorist act brought down a Russian passenger plane, which crashed into the Egyptian desert last month, killing all 224 people on board. Alexander Bortnikov told a meeting chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin that traces of foreign made explosives had been found in the wreckage of the aircraft. Putin has vowed to punish those responsible. “We will look everywhere, wherever they are hiding. We will find them in any corner of the planet and punish them.” Egypt meanwhile has detained two employees of Sharm el-Sheikh airport, in connection with the Russian plane crash.

France continues to hunt Paris terror suspects

France says dozens of raids have been carried out across the country, as police continue to search for those responsible for Friday's terror attacks in Paris that claimed at least 129 lives. Salah Abdeslam, a Belgian national, who is believed to be the only attacker to survive, remains on the run. The Austrian Interior Ministry says Abdeslam was stopped by border police in Upper Austria two months ago after crossing over from Germany. French President Francois Hollande meanwhile has held talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry told reporters that the US would work closely with France to fight the Islamic State militant group or Daesh, which has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks. “We talked about the significant steps that we believe we can take together in a number of different areas to increase our efforts and be more effective even against Daesh and we already are doing that.” France has also asked European Union countries for support in its military operations against Islamic State.

Tunisia foils plot to attack beach resort

Tunisia says it has foiled a plot by Islamist militants to carry out a major terrorist attack in the resort town of Sousse. Officials say 17 people were arrested, some of whom had trained in Libya and Syria.

Last Ebola patient leaves hospital in Guinea

Officials in Guinea say the country's last known Ebola patient has left hospital, after recovering from the deadly disease. Guinea will now be declared Ebola free, like its neighbours Sierra Leone and Liberia, if no new cases are reported over the next six weeks. More than 11 thousand people have died of Ebola in West Africa since the outbreak began.

Hungary to launch legal action over refugee quotas

Hungary says it is preparing to launch legal action against the EU over plans to introduce mandatory quotas for relocating tens of thousands of refugees among member states. Hungary, Romania and the Czech and Slovak Republics voted against the plan when it was put before the European Commission in September.

The weather

Clouds will move in from the west this afternoon, bringing showers to many areas, but there should be some sunshine in the south. Top temperatures will range from 10 to 18 degrees.
