
News in English

Ceasefire begins in Yemen / US Russia talks in Moscow on Syria / Riyadh announces anti-terror alliance / Paris attacks suspect arrested / EU border agency proposal / EU entry talks open with Serbia / IAEA to close Iran investigation / The weather


Ceasefire begins in Yemen

A seven day ceasefire has come into effect in Yemen as United Nations-backed peace talks begin in Switzerland between representatives of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government and the Houthi rebel group. A previous ceasefire and peace talks failed to produce a breakthrough. There are concerns terror groups such as Islamic State and Al Qaeda have made inroads in Yemen since the outbreak of the conflict in March.

US Russia talks in Moscow on Syria

The United States secretary of state John Kerry has begun talks in Moscow on ways to end the civil war in Syria. Kerry is meeting Russian president Vladimir Putin and foreign minister Sergey Lavrov to try to narrow differences over which rebel groups should be involved in any political solution in Syria. Ahead of the talks, Kerry said Russia and the US are united in their opposition to the Islamic State terror group: “Russia and the United States agree that this is a threat to everybody, to every country, that there is no negotiation. These are the worst of terrorists.”

Riyadh announces anti-terror alliance

Saudi Arabia says 34 mainly Muslim nations have agreed to form a military alliance to fight terrorism. Defence minister and deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman said the group would fight militants in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan.

Paris attacks suspect arrested

French police are reported to have arrested a man in the Paris region in connection with the terror attacks in the city last month. Police have also reportedly arrested two people in northern France suspected of supplying weapons to terrorists who carried out attacks in Paris in January.

EU border agency proposal

The European Commission is set to unveil controversial proposals for an enhanced border and coastguard agency in response to Europe's refugee and migrant crisis, with powers to intervene even when the host country does not consent. Poland, which hosts the Frontex border force, has objected to the proposal, saying it undermines national sovereignty. The commission is also announcing plans to resettle Syrian refugees directly from camps in Turkey.

EU entry talks open with Serbia

The European Union has revived membership talks with Turkey and has launched formal EU entry negotiations with Serbia. Foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said the refugee crisis and terrorism had shown the need to develop common policies to confront shared challenges.

IAEA to close Iran investigation

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, is today expected to formally close its investigation of Iran’s nuclear programme. Iran expects international sanctions imposed over its nuclear activities to start to be lifted in January after a deal done with six world powers in July.

The weather

Mainly overcast and foggy. Some sunny spells. Top temperatures minus 2 to plus 9 degrees.
