
News in English

8 found alive in China mine disaster / Elections in Central African Republic / 1 killed in Dagestan shooting / UNHCR: 1 million reach Europe by sea / 13 killed in Missouri floods / Russia imposes ban on Turkish companies / The weather


8 found alive in China mine disaster

Reports coming out of China say 8 miners who were trapped for 5 days after their mine caved in have been found alive. Rescue teams have not yet been able to free the survivors but supplies are being sent in. At least one person has died in the disaster which happened in the province of Shandong. 9 people are still missing.

Elections in Central African Republic

Voting is underway in the Central African Republic in delayed presidential and parliamentary elections which are aimed at restoring stable government after years of sectarian violence. A transitional administration was formed two years ago but polls have been postponed four times because of insecurity and logistical challenges. Paul Melly, an analyst at the London-based think-tank Chatham House, says he believes these elections will bring stability: "this crisis over the last two or three years sprang out of generalised instability rather than some sort of deep-rooted divisions. So there is a reasonable chance that whoever is elected will be regarded as legitimate and broadly accepted by most Central Africans, whichever region or religion or ethnic background they come from."

1 killed in Dagestan shooting

Officials in the Russian region of Dagestan say one person has been killed and 10 more injured in a shooting at an ancient fortress which is a listed UNESCO heritage site. According to reports, two men opened fire on visitors at the site in the city of Derbent before fleeing.

UNHCR: 1 million reach Europe by sea

The UN's refugee agency, the UNHCR, says more than one million refugees and migrants have reached Europe by sea since the start of this year. It said the vast majority travelled via Greece whilst 150,000 crossed the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy.

13 killed in Missouri floods

In the US, floods in Missouri have forced hundreds of residents from their homes after 4 days of storms which have killed at least 13 people. The US Coast Guard says an 8-kilometer section of the Mississippi River has been closed because of the rising water levels in what's been described as the worst flooding in two decades. The governor of Missouri is Jay Nixon: "this kind of prolonged weather event can put a significant strain on local personnel and resources. It's a very serious situation and the state of Missouri is continuing to step up with a serious response. That's why I activated the Missouri National Guard to help support local communities and keep Missourians safe."

Russia imposes ban on Turkish companies

The Russian government has announced that it will ban Turkish companies from its construction and tourism industries from January 1st. Moscow imposed economic sanctions on Turkey after it shot down a Russian military jet near the Syrian-Turkish border last month.

The weather

Mostly sunny in the West and some sunshine forecast this afternoon in the east. Elsewhere overcast with some drizzle or light snow in the southeast. Highs ranging between minus 2 and plus 9 degrees.
