
News in English

7 die in Jakarta attacks/ Second convoy heads to Madaya / Kerry expects sanctions relief for Iran / Kurdish rebels kill six in bomb attack / Ex-President Shimon Peres suffers heart attack / The weather


7 die in Jakarta attacks

Senior police officials in Indonesia say the so-called Islamic State group was behind a series of bomb attacks today in Jakarta. Seven people were killed, including five bombers, a Canadian citizen and an Indonesian policeman. 17 other people were wounded. Indonesian President Joko Widodo says anyone else behind the attack will be tracked down and prosecuted: “I have instructed the police chief to pursue and arrest the perpetrators. The people do not need to be afraid and should not be defeated by these terrorist acts.”

Second convoy heads to Madaya

A second international convoy has left Damascus to deliver food aid to the town of Madaya which has been besieged by government troops since October. An earlier convoy reached to town on Monday to residents who have been facing starvation since October.

Kerry expects sanctions relief for Iran

Iran has freed 10 American sailors whose patrol boats strayed in to Iranian waters earlier this week. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry says Iran has fulfilled conditions reached in Vienna last summer to ensure the country’s nuclear program cannot make an atomic weapon.

Kurdish rebels kill six in bomb attack

In southeastern Turkey, six people are dead and 39 others wounded after Kurdish rebels detonated a car bomb at a police station in the town of Cinar. Seven people have been arrested in conection with the explosion. It is the latest violence between the rebels and Turkey’s security forces since a truce collapsed last summer. Staying in Turkey where officials say the Syrian suicide bomber behind’s Tuesday bomb attack in Istanbul came to the country as a refugee. 10 German tourists were killed and six others were wounded. 74 people have been arrested during police raids following the attack.

Ex-President Shimon Peres suffers heart attack

Former Israeli president Shimon Peres is in good condition at a Tel Aviv hospital after suffering a heart attack. He has undergone an operation to clear an artery. Peres, who is 92 years old, has also served as Israeli prime minister and foreign minister. He shared the 1994 Nobel peace prize with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat for efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The weather

The west and south will remain mostly cloudy with light snowfall expected later this afternoon. The rest of Austria will be partly sunny and windy. Highs temperatures today are ranging from minus 4 to plus 8 degrees.
