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TTIP leaks show trans-Atlantic differences / Kerry holds Syrian talks in Geneva / Turkish military targets Islamic State in Syria / Australian reveals himself as Bitcoin founder / Climbers’ remains found 17 years after their deaths / The weather


TTIP leaks show trans-Atlantic differences

Newly-leaked documents show that major obstacles remain in efforts for the United States and European Union to conclude the trans-Atlantic trade agreement known as TTIP. The leaks show the US is refusing to make it easier for Europe to export automobiles to the North American market, if the EU does not ease its restrictions on genetically-modified US farm products. Critics such as Greenpeace say the documents show the two sides also remain far apart on environmental protections, health and safety standards, and on what kind of body will mediate future trade disputes.

Kerry holds Syrian talks in Geneva

US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Geneva holding a second day of talks aimed at renewing a ceasefire in the Syrian civil war. He is holding separate meetings with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir and UN envoy Staffan de Mistura. Earlier, Kerry said there had been progress, but no agreement on shoring up a crumbling ceasefire reached in February. The UN has appealed to Russia and the US for help following a surge in heavy fighting last month between government troops and rebels in and around the city of Aleppo. Journalist Jeff McAllister says that despite the talks in Geneva, the violence in Syria will likely go on: “It creates new refugees, which is sort of an added bonus as far as I think Putin is concerned in destabilizing Europe. This is not going to be over anytime soon and the peace talks are not in any position to make anything fundamentally happen, I would say.”

Turkish military targets Islamic State in Syria

Turkey’s military says it has carried out drone and artillery attacks against Islamic State positions inside Syria. Turkish officials say 34 militants were killed in the raids which were in retaliation for recent I-S rocket attacks on the Turkish border town of Kilis.

Australian reveals himself as Bitcoin founder

An Australian technology entrepreneur called Craig Wright has confirmed to the BBC that he is the creator of the alternative digital currency known as Bitcoin. Australian authorities are investigating him for possible tax evasion. Wright has said he made his identity public very reluctantly: “I had people decide this matter for me. And they’re making life difficult---not for me----but my friends, my family, my staff.”

Climbers’ remains found 17 years after their deaths

The remains of professional American mountaineer Alex Lowe and his cameraman David Bridges have been found on a melting glacier on a mountain in Tibet. Climbers found the remains in the Shishapangma mountain over the weekend. Lowe and Bridges went missing during an avalanche in 1999.

The weather

The afternoon will remain mostly cloudy, though some sunshine can be expected in low-lying areas. Scattered rain showers can be expected from Tyrol to Burgenland. Highs today are ranging from 8 to 20 degrees.
