
News in English

Austria’s new president wins by slim margin / Hofer concedes defeat / Greece evacuates Idomeni refugee camp / Explosion may have brought down EgyptAir flight / Strikes hit French oil refineries / The weather


Austria’s new president wins by slim margin

Austria's President-elect Alexander van der Bellen is meeting with President Heinz Fischer to make preparations for the hand-over in July. One of the closest elections in modern Austrian history came to an end yesterday, with the counting of the postal votes which eventually separated Van der Bellen from his rival Norbert Hofer by just over 31,000 votes. European leaders have expressed relief at the outcome of the election. The German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said all of Europe was breathing more easily.

Hofer concedes defeat

Meanwhile, the Freedom Party's executive committee has been meeting to discuss the election outcome. Conceding defeat yesterday, Norbert Hofer said he was naturally sad, adding that the effort spent during the election campaign was not lost - but an investment in the future. Political consultant Melanie Sully said the government must take his success seriously: "One of the big factors or reasons why people voted for Hofer was that they said he seems to understand my problems. I think really it's the government's job now to actually understand what people are saying to them. Less talk, more do, and above all, listen."

Greece evacuates Idomeni refugee camp

Greek authorities have started evacuating the country's largest refugee camp of Idomeni in northern Greece. About eight thousand people have been living there for months, since the closing of the Balkan route to central and northern Europe. The operation to clear the camp began at dawn, and is expected to take several days. Officials say the refugees and migrants will be gradually moved to newly completed camps with better facilities. Giorgos Christides is a journalist with Der Spiegel - he describes the conditions at Idomeni: "It's squalor everywhere, in the previous days there was heavy rain and the whole thing has turned into a swamp. The authorities fear contagious diseases are spreading."

Explosion may have brought down EgyptAir flight

A forensics investigator in Cairo says an onboard explosion is likely to have brought down EgyptAir flight 8-0-4 over the Mediterranean last week. The unnamed official told news agencies that victim's remains retrieved so far were in such small pieces - that it was logical to conclude that there had been an explosion. All 66 people on board were killed when the plane crashed early on Thursday.

Strikes hit French oil refineries

French police have used tear gas and water cannon to clear striking workers who were blockading an oil refinery in Marseille. Police said protesters threw missiles and set up burning barricades. The protest is part of a series of demonstrations against new labour laws.

The weather

Some isolated thundery showers this afternoon - but also some sunny periods. Highs today - on the northern side of the Alps between 7 and 15 degrees and in the east and south up to 19 degrees.
