
News in English

UK tries to ease market fears over Brexit / EU leaders meet to discuss Brexit / Spain’s Rajoy claims right to govern /Pope calls on Catholic Church to apologise to gay community / Austrian cartoonist Manfred Deix dies / Lionel Messi quits international football / The weather


UK tries to ease market fears over Brexit

The British Finance Minister, George Osborne, says the United Kingdom will not turn its back on Europe – despite last week’s referendum result which saw 52 percent of Britons vote to leave the E.U. Osbourne had warned of economic chaos in the event of a LEAVE vote but today, in an effort to calm international markets, he said that the country must now pull together and adapt to the challenges posed by the decision. He said more time was needed to assess the new political landscape and the British government should not be rushed by EU leaders into initiating the withdrawal process: “Only the U.K. can trigger Article 50. And in my judgement, we should only do that when there is a clear view about what new arrangements we are seeking with our European neighbours.”

EU leaders meet to discuss Brexit

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French President Francois Hollande say they are in full agreement on how to handle the fallout from the UK's decision. The two leaders will hold talks later in Berlin to discuss the crisis. The European Commission is meeting in Brussels, to prepare for a full EU summit there tomorrow.

Spain’s Rajoy claims right to govern

The acting Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, and his centre-right Popular Party are preparing to embark on coalition talks after winning the largest number of seats in yesterday’s general election. However they failed to secure a majority in parliament and end the political deadlock which has plagued Spain since another inconclusive election last December. Despite this Rajoy claims the latest result shows his party has regained the right to govern: “We have won the elections and we demand the right to govern precisely because we won the poll. Now we have to be useful. We are here for Spain… for everybody.”

Pope Francis calls to apologise to gay community

Pope Francis has said that the Roman Catholic Church should apologise to gay people for the way it had treated them. He said the Church had no right to judge the gay community and should be respectful. The Pontiff also called on the Church to seek forgiveness from other people it had marginalised - women, the poor, and children forced into labour.

Austrian cartoonist Manfred Deix dies

The Austrian artist and cartoonist Manfred Deix has died. He was 67. Deix was considered by many to be the most important satirical chronicler of Austrian society – with a body of work that spanned 40 years.

Lionel Messi quits international football

The Argentine football star Lionel Messi says he has decided to quit playing for his national team after his country lost to rivals Chile in the final of the Copa America. Chile won the penalty shootout after a goalless draw. Messi was one of the players to miss his spot-kick.

The weather

Cool and unsettled. The rain should trail off and increasing sunshine is forecast this afternoon. Top temperatures are ranging from 15C to 23C.
