
News in English

North Korea tests ballistic missile / South Africa votes in local elections / Fresh splits emerge in the US Republican Party / Turkey's Science Research Council raided / 22 missing after bridge disaster in India / The Weather

North Korea tests ballistic missile

North Korea has test-fired a ballistic missile off its eastern coast. Japan says it landed near its territorial waters. It's the latest in a series of launches by Pyongyang in defiance of UN resolutions. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has condemned the move: "this poses a serious threat to Japan's security and is an unforgivable act of violence. It's a clear violation of a UN resolution and we lodged a firm protest against North Korea. We'll work together with the US and South Korea and we'll stand firm in handling this."

South Africa votes in local elections

South Africans are voting in local elections which are being seen as a test for President Jacob Zuma and the ruling African National Congress. The ANC has dominated the political landscape since the end of apartheid over two decades ago. But polls show the party may lose several key cities including Pretoria and Johannesburg. The economy is one of the main campaign issues with unemployment running at 27%.

Fresh splits emerge in the US Republican Party

Fresh divisions are emerging within the Republican Party. Its presidential nominee Donald Trump has refused to support the re-election of two senior Republicans who've been critical of him, saying he's not ready to endorse the House Speaker Paul Ryan or Senator John McCain in their primary campaigns. Meanwhile, Trump has dismissed President Barack Obama's time in the White House as a - quote - "disaster" after the president said he was not fit to succeed him. Obama said he regarded Trump as unfit and unprepared for office and questioned why the Republicans hadn't disowned him: "the question I think that they have to ask themselves is: if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable - why are you still endorsing him? What does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer?"

Turkey's Science Research Council raided

It's being reported that Turkish police have raided the offices of the country's Scientific and Technological Research Council as part of the ongoing crackdown which followed last month's attempted coup. The broadcaster NTV said many people were detained in the raid.

22 missing after bridge disaster in India

At least 22 people are missing in western India after a highway bridge collapsed. The bridge connects the city of Mumbai with the beach resort state of Goa. Officials say two buses carrying passengers plunged into a river.

The Weather

Frequent sunshine but also some cloud about and isolated showers in the mountains. Highs ranging between 21 and 29 or 30 degrees.
