
News in English

Austrian FM favours burka ban / Russia to support Aleppo ceasefire / MSF withdraws staff from Yemen / California wildfire threatens 34,000 homes / US swimmers “fabricated” Rio robbery claim / Usain Bolt wins eighth Olympic gold / The weather


Austrian FM favours burka ban

The Austrian foreign and integration minister Sebastian Kurz has proposed a series of measures to help integrate refugees who are allowed to stay in Austria. Kurz, who´s from the conservative People´s Party, is calling for compulsory low-paid jobs in the community for those who lack qualifications. He wants a reduction in the guaranteed minimum income for people who reject jobs offered by the state employment agency and for those who fail to attend government-sponsored German classes. Kurz also favours a ban on full-body and face covering garments such as burkas.

Russia to support Aleppo ceasefire

Russia says it will support a 48-hour ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo - a move the United Nations says would allow aid to reach besieged areas soon, as long as all sides respect the truce. Moscow said it was ready to start the first "humanitarian pause" next week. Western diplomats have given a cautious welcome to the announcement, but stressed that the UN must be in charge of a sustained aid operation.

MSF withdraws staff from Yemen

The charity Medecins Sans Frontieres says it will withdraw staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen after a Saudi-coalition air strike hit one of its buildings, killing 19 people. Monday's attack was the fourth and deadliest on MSF's facilities in Yemen. Hospitals will remain staffed by local volunteers.

California wildfire threatens 34,000 homes

Firefighters are reportedly gaining ground against a wildfire burning in a mountain pass in the US state of California that has forced the evacuation of over 80,000 residents. The fire to the northeast of Los Angeles has destroyed nearly 150 square km of terrain since breaking out on Tuesday. It is continuing to threaten over 34,000 homes and other structures. California Fire Public Safety Officer Henry Herrera: "It´s a fast moving fire. It´s very intense, a fast rate of spread. It´s burning in very steep rugged terrain with an accumulation of dead fuel build-up as a result of the drought."

US swimmers “fabricated” Rio robbery claim

The US Olympic swimmer Jimmy Feigen will reportedly pay $11,000 to a Brazilian charity to settle a dispute over a fabricated story about being robbed at gunpoint with three teammates during the Rio games. Police say the drunken athletes had instead vandalised a petrol station toilet and were questioned by armed guards before they paid for the damage and left.

Usain Bolt wins eighth Olympic gold

The Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt has won the men's 200m to claim his second gold medal in Rio and his eighth at an Olympics. Bolt, who is hoping for an unprecedented "treble treble," has already won the 100m and will run in the 4x100m relay final later today.

Usain Bolt wins eighth Olympic gold

The Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt has won the men's 200m to claim his second gold medal in Rio and his eighth at an Olympics. Bolt, who is hoping for an unprecedented "treble treble," has already won the 100m and will run in the 4x100m relay final later today.

The weather

Sunny in the west, changeable in the east with the chance of thundery showers. Highs today from 20 to 28.
