
News in English

UN fears refugee crisis in Mosul / Turkey attacks IS militants in Syria / Diplomatic tensions continue between Ankara and Vienna / Call for new EU impetus after Brexit / John Kerry holds talks in Nigeria / Russia loses Paralympics ban appeal/ Sarkozy announces bid for French Presidency /The weather


UN fears refugee crisis in Mosul

The UN's refugee agency says hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in and around Mosul could be displaced because of preparations for an assault by the Iraqi army aimed at re-taking the city from the Islamic State group. The UNHCR says it fears around 1.2 million people could be affected.

Turkey attacks IS militants in Syria

Turkish forces have launched further attacks on Islamic State militants in northern Syria. The move comes as Turkish-backed Syrian rebels are preparing for what's expected to be a major offensive aimed at seizing the IS-held border town of Jarablus. Turkey has also shelled positions held by Kurdish YPG fighters.

Diplomatic tensions between Ankara and Vienna

Turkey's foreign ministry says it’s recalling its ambassador to Austria for "consultations and to review ties" amid continuing diplomatic tensions. Turkey has expressed anger over a Kurdish demonstration which was held in Vienna over the week-end. Relations were strained earlier this month when Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern suggested that the EU should end membership talks with Turkey.

Call for new EU impetus after Brexit

Germany, France and Italy have stressed the need to give the European Union new impetus after Britain's decision to leave the bloc. Meeting in Italy, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Holland and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi warned against fragmentation and called on the EU to work together more closely especially on finding ways to boost economic growth, bring down unemployment and improve security. Matteo Renzi: "many people felt that after Brexit Europe would come to an end. That's not the case. We respect the choice that's been made by the British people. But at the same time we want to be able to write a page for the future."

John Kerry holds talks in Nigeria

The US Secretary of State John Kerry is starting a two-day visit to Nigeria with security and corruption issues expected to dominate the agenda. He'll be holding talks with President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja.

Russia loses Paralympics ban appeal

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has dismissed a Russian appeal against a ban on its athletes attending the Paralympics in Rio next month. The International Paralympic Committee banned Russia from the games after Moscow was accused of running a state-sponsored doping programme. The Russian Sports Ministry says the decision is "unlawful and politically motivated."

Sarkozy announces bid for French Presidency

The former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced that he intends to run as a candidate in next year's presidential election. In order to stand, he must first win his centre-right party's primary in November.

The weather

Very sunny with a few clouds about in the north and east. Highs ranging between 20 and 28 degrees.
