
News in English

Turkey arrests HDP leadership / Brief Aleppo truce in place / Huge Muslim protests in Jakarta / US election candidates in final push / Brexit begin ‘unchanged’ says May / Historic climate change accord in effect / The weather


Turkey arrests HDP leadership

The two co-leaders of Turkey's pro-Kurdish opposition party, the HDP, have been arrested along with at least ten other MPs. Turkish security sources say Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag were detained as part of a counter-terrorism inquiry. The government has accused the HDP of not distancing itself from PKK militants. The HDP denies the allegation. Its deputy leader Hisyar Ozsoy says the arrests are an attempt by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to force the party out of parliament and consolidate his power: “This is a provocation by Mr Erdogan. He is sacrificing the HDP to consolidate his alliance with ultra-nationalists, racists and some sector of the army so that he can get their support for the possible referendum on the presidential system.” Meanwhile a car bomb has exploded in Diyarbakir hours after Demirtas was arrested there, killing at least eight people and injuring over a 100.

Brief Aleppo truce in place

A 10-hour ceasefire declared by Russian and Syrian government forces is in effect for eastern Aleppo to allow rebels and civilians to leave besieged districts. Russia has said the truce will be the last chance for rebels to leave in safety. Reports from the city say neither civilians nor rebel fighters have so far used the designated corridors.

Huge Muslim protests in Jakarta

Tens of thousands of Muslims have converged on the center of the Indonesian capital Jakarta to demand the arrest of its governor for alleged blasphemy. Protests are also taking place in other cities against Jakarta governor Purnama, who is minority ethnic Chinese and Christian.

US election candidates in final push

With four days to go until the United States elections, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump are mounting their final efforts to win over undecided voters in key swing states. Analysts suggest, despite a tightening in polls, that Clinton remains in the lead.

Brexit begin ‘unchanged’ says May

British prime minister Theresa May has told European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker that she will trigger article 50 to begin Britain’s exit from the EU by the end of March next year, as planned, despite the high court ruling yesterday that the British parliament must vote on when the process can begin. Her government is appealing the court ruling.

Historic climate change accord in effect

The Paris agreement on climate change enters into force today, after the required number of nations signed the accord. It seeks to hold global warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

The weather

Sunny spells as fog and cloud clear. Top temperatures 4 to 12 degrees, up to 16 in föhn wind areas.
