
News in English

Trump defends US Attorney General / Fillon under growing pressure to quit presidential race / New tensions between Turkey and Germany / Syrian forces recapture Palmyra / The weather


Trump defends US Attorney General

President Donald Trump has accused Democrats of conducting a "witch hunt" in their criticism of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. It´s emerged that Sessions met the Russian ambassador to the United States twice during last year´s election campaign but failed to disclose the information during his confirmation hearing. Sessions has said he will not take part in any investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election. But Democrats continue to call for his resignation, saying he lied. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: "The fact that the Attorney General, the top cop in our country, lied under oath to the American people is grounds for him to resign. He has proved that he is unqualified and unfit to serve in that position of trust."

Fillon under growing pressure to quit presidential race

French police have raided the Paris home of Francois Fillon, as the ongoing investigation into payments made to his family threatens to derail his presidential election campaign. Fillon is facing growing criticism from within his conservative party over his decision to continue his campaign despite facing preliminary charges. Sources close to the former conservative Prime Minister Alain Juppe say he would now stand, if Fillon were to withdraw.

New tensions between Turkey and Germany

Turkey has summoned the German ambassador to Ankara to protest against the cancellation of a talk by the Turkish justice minister in Germany. Bekir Bozdag had planned to rally support for an April referendum on expanding the powers of the Turkish presidency. The event had been criticised in Germany amid public outrage over Ankara's arrest of a Turkish-German journalist who works for Die Welt newspaper.

Mubarak may go free after new acquittal

Egypt's top appeals court has found Hosni Mubarak not guilty of involvement in the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising, in a final ruling that could see the former president walk free. Mubarak was accused of inciting the deaths of nearly 900 people.

Syrian forces recapture Palmyra

The Syrian military, backed by Russian air strikes, has retaken the ancient city of Palmyra from the Islamic State terror group for the second time in a year. IS recaptured the UNESCO-listed archaeological site in December.

The weather

Mostly sunny and mild, with föhn winds in the Alps. Top temperatures from 8 to 18.
